Creating a Vivado RTL Project - UG1607

Alveo X3522PV Adaptable Accelerator Card User Guide (UG1607)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

XDC Based Flow

Use the following steps to create an XDC based Vivado RTL project using the design constraints (XDC) file downloaded from the lounge. The XDC is a reference for the static pinout of the Alveo card.

Within the design constraints (XDC) file based Vivado flow, the Alveo parts are not visible in the Vivado part selection window. A project using a Vivado part can only be created using a Tcl command. Use the following steps:

  1. Launch Vivado tools.
  2. In the Tcl console, run the following command:
    create_project <project> <path> -part <part number>


    • <project> is the name of the project you want to create
    • <path> is the path where you want to create the project
    • <part number> is the Vivado part number as defined in the following table.
    Table 1. Vivado Part Number
    Alveo Card Alveo Part Vivado Part Number
    X3522PV XCUX35-3VSVA1365E XCUX35-VSVA1365-3-E
  3. Add the card design constraints (XDC) file to the project by clicking on File > Add Sources > Add or Create Constraints.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Add Files.
  6. Navigate to the location of the design constraints (XDC) file and click OK.