Results Windows Area - 2022.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The status and results of commands run in the Vivado IDE display in the results windows area, a set of windows grouped at the bottom of the viewing environment. As commands are run, messages are generated, and log files and report files are created, the related information appears in this area. By default, this area includes the following windows:

Tcl Console
Allows you to enter Tcl commands, and view the history of previous commands and output.
Shows all messages for the current design, categorized by process and severity.
Shows the log files created by the synthesis, implementation, and simulation runs.
Provides quick access to the reports generated throughout the design flow for the active run.
Designs Runs
Manages runs for the current project.

The Find Results, Package Pins, and I/O Ports windows as well as various reports appear in this area as needed. For more information, see Using Windows.