Understanding Run Status - 2022.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

As runs are created, or launched, the run status updates in the Design Runs window. The window displays the status and results of the design runs defined, and it also provides commands to modify, launch, and manage the design runs.

The Design Runs window icons indicates the run state as follows:

  • Reset and ready to run
  • Run queued
  • Currently running
  • Completed runs
  • Completed runs in which design files have changed
  • Completed runs that failed to meet timing
  • Runs with errors

Run information updates as the runs proceed. You can close the Vivado IDE without affecting in-progress runs. When you re-open a project, the Vivado IDE updates the run status to reflect the latest status, which displays in the Design Runs table. The columns used for tracking information are:

Displays run name.
Displays the constraint set used for the run.
Indicates run status as not started, running, complete, or error.
Displays worst negative slack.
Displays total negative slack.
Displays worst hold slack.
Displays total hold slack.
Displays total pulse width negative slack.
Total Power
Displays total on-chip power.
Failed Routes
Displays the number of nets that failed to route, are partially routed, or have conflicts.
Displays the total number of critical warnings and warnings present in the design.
RQA Score
Displays the RQA score for the design.
QoR Suggestions
Displays the number of suggestions generated for the design.
Displays the LUT utilization number or percentage.
Displays the flip-flop utilization number or percentage.
Displays the block RAM utilization number or percentage.
Displays the URAM utilization number or percentage.
Displays the DSP utilization number or percentage.
Tip: By default, the Design Runs window shows utilization as a number. To show utilization as a percentage, click the Show Percentage toolbar button .
Reports the start time for the run.
Reports the elapsed time for the run.
Displays the strategy assigned to the run. Strategies with an asterisk (*) indicate that some command options for the strategy have been overridden.
Indicates the target part selected for the run.
Displays the description associated with the run. This description is set initially to a strategy description when that strategy is applied to the run. However, you can modify the description later in the Run Properties window.
Note: The table is updated dynamically as the run commands progress. Runs that are launched outside of the Vivado IDE using generated scripts cause the table to update upon invoking the software.