Viewing Source File Properties - 2022.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

Selecting an RTL source file in the Sources window displays information in the Source File Properties window as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Source File Properties Window

To view and modify source file properties:

  1. Select a source file in the Sources window.

    The Source File Properties window, located below the Sources window by default, populates with information such as file location, type, library, size, modified timestamp date, location copied from, copy date, and parent module.

    Note: If the Source File Properties window is hidden, right-click a source file in the Sources window, and select Source File Properties from the popup menu.
  2. In the Source File Properties window, you can change the following settings:
    Changes the file type. This is useful in cases where files have non-standard extensions, and the file type is not properly detected.
    Specifies a new target library for a source file. Select from the list of defined libraries, or type a library name.
    Global Include
    Sets Verilog source files as global include files. This option forces the selected file to list at the start of the compile order for elaboration and synthesis.
    Enables the source file in the design. Disabled files display in the source files in gray text and are not considered part of the design for elaboration or compilation.
    Used In
    Specifies that the source file is used during Synthesis, Simulation, or Implementation. Disabling a source file for a particular tool prevents that file from being used by that tool. For example, if you set a source file to not be used in synthesis, and then open the elaborated design, a black box displays for that source file. Disabling an EDIF or NGC source file from implementation prevents it from being used during implementation.