Known Issues - 2021.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English
  • If the initial configuration of a 7 series SSI device (7V2000T, 7VX1140T) is done through an SPI interface, partial bitstreams cannot be delivered to the master (or any) ICAP; they must be delivered to an external port, such as JTAG. If the initial configuration is done through any other configuration port, the master ICAP can be used as the delivery port for partial bitstreams. Contact Xilinx® Support for a workaround.
  • Do not drive multiple outputs of a single RM with the same source. Each output of an RM must have a unique driver.
  • When using Virtex® UltraScale+™ VU29P devices, connections between the IBUFDS_GTM and GTM_DUAL sites might be unroutable if the placer does not place them on the same SLR and the same side of the device. You might encounter route_design Route 35-7 in this case. If this occurs, you must LOC both the IBUFDS_GTM and GTM_DUAL instances to appropriate locations in the same SLR on the same side of the device.
  • Tandem Configuration and Dynamic Function eXchange cannot be used in the same Versal® design. This support is planned for a future Vivado release.
  • Engineering Silicon (ES) for UltraScale™ or UltraScale+™ devices does not officially support Dynamic Function eXchange. To investigate the capabilities of DFX on ES devices, contact Xilinx Support for advice.