Method 1: Add and Link Files - 2021.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English
This is the recommended method to load and link all design sources in the most explicit and thorough manner. The following steps pull in all necessary design sources and define the RP boundaries.
  1. Create a new project in memory. While this allows you to select a target device, the project is not saved.
    create_project -part <part> -in_memory
  2. Add all the design sources. This can include multiple checkpoints for static or reconfigurable logic, including lower-level RM sources.
    add_files <top>.dcp
    add_files <rp1_rmA_top>.dcp
    add_files <rp1_rmA_lower>.dcp
    add_files <rp2_rmA_top>.dcp
  3. Use the SCOPED_TO_CELLS property to define relationships between levels of hierarchy.
    set_property SCOPED_TO_CELLS {<RP1_module_instance>} [get_files <rp1_rmA_top>.dcp]
    set_property SCOPED_TO_CELLS {<RP1_lower_module_instance>} [get_files <rp1_rmA_lower>.dcp]
    set_property SCOPED_TO_CELLS {<RP2_module_instance>} [get_files <rp2_rmA_top>.dcp]
  4. Link the design together, defining all RPs.
    link_design -top <top> -part <part> -reconfig_partitions {<RP1_module_instance> <RP2_module_instance>}
    Table 1. link_design Options
    Command Option Description
    -part This is the Xilinx part being targeted (for example, xc7k325tffg900-3)
    -top This is the module/entity name of the module being implemented. This switch can be omitted if set_property top <top_module_name> [current_fileset] is issued prior to link_design.
    -reconfig_partitions <args> Specify a list of RPs to load while opening the design. The specified RPs are then marked with the HD.RECONFIGURABLE property for proper handling in the design.
    -pr_config <arg> For the project-based design flow only. This option specifies the PR Configuration to apply while opening the design.