Bitstream Generation - 2021.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

As in a flat flow, bitstreams are created with the write_bitstream command. For each design configuration, simply issue write_bitstream to create a full standard configuration file plus one partial bit file for each RM within that configuration.

Xilinx recommends providing the configuration name and RM names in the -file option specified with write_bitstream. Only the base bit file name can be modified, so it is important to record which RMs were selected for each configuration.

Using the previous design, the following is an example of reading routed checkpoints (configurations) and creating bitstreams for all implemented RMs.

open_checkpoint config1_routed.dcp
write_bitstream config1

This command generates all possible bitstreams for this particular configuration. It creates a full design bitstream called config1.bit. This bitstream should be used to program the device from power-up and includes the functionality of any RMs contained within. It also creates partial bit files config1_pblock_rp1_partial.bit and config1_pblock_rp2_partial.bit that can be used to reconfigure these modules while the FPGA continues to operate. For UltraScale devices, it creates clearing bitstreams that pair with each partial bitstream, allowing you to prepare the partition for the next partial image. Repeat these steps for each configuration.

Tip: Rename each partial bit file to match the RM instance from which it was built to uniquely identify these modules. The current solution names partial bit files only on the configuration base name and Pblock name: <base_name>_<pblock_name>_partial.bit

The size of each partial bitstream is reported in the output from write_bitstream. As this command is run, these messages will be reported for each partial and clearing bit file.

Creating bitmap...
Creating bitstream...
Partial bitstream contains 3441952 bits.
Writing bitstream ./Bitstreams/right_up_pblock_inst_shift_partial.bit...

Bitstream compression, encryption, and other advanced features can be used. See Known Limitations for specific unsupported use cases for UltraScale devices.

Generating Partial Bitstreams Only

If the full design configuration file is not required, then a single partial bitstream can be created on its own. With a full design configuration checkpoint loaded in memory, use the -cell option to identify the instance for which a partial bitstream is needed. The name of this partial bitstream can be given, as it is not automatically derived from the Pblock name.

write_bitstream -cell rp1 RM_count_down_partial.bit

This creates only a partial bitstream for the RP identified.

Do not run write_bitstream directly on RM checkpoints; only use full design checkpoints. RM checkpoints, while they are placed and routed submodules, have no information regarding the top level design implementation, and therefore would create unsuitable partial bit files.

Generating Full Configuration Bitstreams Only

If only power-on design bitstream is desired, the -no_partial_bitfile option can be used to bypass creation of partial bitstreams.

write_bitstream -no_partial_bitfile config3

Using this option skips the stage that creates partial and clearing bitstreams. It saves write_bitstream runtime for scenarios where either you are looking to test only the full design without DFX, or if the partial bitstreams already exist.

Generating Static-only Bitstreams

If a power-on configuration of the static design only is desired, run write_bitstream on the checkpoint that has empty RPs (after update_design -black_box and update_design -buffer_ports have run). This "gray box configuration" can be compressed to reduce the bit file size and configuration time.