Terminology - 2020.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The following terminology is specific to the Dynamic Function eXchange feature and is used throughout this document.

Bottom-Up Synthesis

Bottom-Up Synthesis is synthesis of the design by modules, whether in one project or multiple projects. InVivado, bottom-up synthesis is referred to as out-of-context (OOC) synthesis. OOC synthesis generates a separate netlist (or DCP) per OOC module, and is required for Dynamic Function eXchange to ensure no optimization occurs across the module boundary. In OOC synthesis, the top-level (or static) logic is synthesized with black_box module definitions for each OOC module.


A configuration is a complete design that has one RM for each reconfigurable partition (RP). There might be many configurations in a Dynamic Function eXchange FPGA project. Each configuration generates one full BIT file as well as one partial BIT file for each RM.

Configuration Frame

Configuration frames are the smallest addressable segments of the FPGA configuration memory space. Reconfigurable frames are built from discrete numbers of these lowest-level elements. In Xilinx devices, the base reconfigurable frames are one element (CLB, block RAM, DSP) wide by one clock region high. The number of resources in these frames vary by device family.

Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP)

The internal configuration access port (ICAP) is essentially an internal version of the SelectMAP interface. For more information, see the 7 Series FPGAs Configuration User Guide (UG470) References or the UltraScale Architecture Configuration User Guide (UG570) References.

Media Configuration Access Port (MCAP)

The MCAP is dedicated link to the configuration engine from one specific PCIe® block per UltraScale™ device. This entry point can be enabled when configuring the Xilinx PCIe IP.


A Partition is a logical section of the design, user-defined at a hierarchical boundary, to be considered for design reuse. A Partition is either implemented as new or preserved from a previous implementation. A Partition that is preserved maintains not only identical functionality but also identical implementation.

Partition Definition (PD)

This is a term used within the project flow only. A Partition Definition defines a set of RMs that are associated with the module instance (or RP). A PD is applied to all instances of the module, and cannot be associated with a subset of module instances.

Partition Pin

Partition pins are the logical and physical connection between static logic and reconfigurable logic. The tools automatically create, place, and manage partition pins.

Partial Reconfiguration (PR)

Partial reconfiguration (PR) is the Xilinx silicon technology that enables users to modify a subset of logic in an operating FPGA design by downloading a partial bitstream. The overall solution name has changed to Dynamic Function eXchange, but the underlying capability of the silicon remains, so references to PR, especially in fundamental Tcl commands, can still be seen in Vivado.

Processor Configuration Access Port (PCAP)

The processor configuration access port (PCAP) is similar to the internal configuration access port (ICAP) and is the primary port used for configuring a Zynq-7000 SoC device. For more information, see the Zynq-7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual (UG585) References.

Programmable Unit (PU)

In the UltraScale architecture, this is the minimum required resources for reconfiguration. The size of a PU varies by resource type. Because adjacent sites share a routing resource (or Interconnect tile) in the UltraScale architecture, a PU is defined in terms of pairs.

Reconfigurable Frame

Reconfigurable frames (in all references other than "configuration frames" in this guide) represent the smallest reconfigurable region within an FPGA. Bitstream sizes of reconfigurable frames vary depending on the types of logic contained within the frame.

Reconfigurable Logic

Reconfigurable logic is any logical element that is part of an RM. These logical elements are modified when a partial BIT file is loaded. Many types of logical components can be reconfigured such as LUTs, flip-flops, block RAM, and DSP blocks.

Reconfigurable Module

An RM is the netlist or HDL description that is implemented within an RP. Multiple RMs exist for an RP.

Reconfigurable Partition

RP is an attribute set on an instantiation that defines the instance as reconfigurable. The RP is the level of hierarchy within which different RMs are implemented. Tcl commands such as opt_design, place_design and route_design detect the HD.RECONFIGURABLE property on the instance and process it correctly.

Static Logic

Static logic is any logical element that is not part of an RP. The logical element is never partially reconfigured and is always active when RPs are being reconfigured. Static logic is also known as top-level logic.

Static Design

The static design is the part of the design that does not change during partial reconfiguration. The static design includes the top-level and all modules not defined as reconfigurable. The static design is built with static logic and static routing.