Given the static logic trimming previously noted, two benefits emerge.
First, most of the proprietary design information from the static platform is removed, effectively hiding this critical information from users that receive the Abstract Shell. Some fragments may remain:
- Synchronous elements that connect to the RP
- Any combinatorial logic between that synchronous element and the RP boundary routing elements that reside in the expanded routing region of the target RP
- Elements that tie into any common clocking or other global signals
Second, any IP that is contained in the static design is hidden (mostly, if not completely) from the Abstract Shell. Because of this, license checking for any IP (Xilinx or third party) in static is bypassed. Designers who implement their RMs in an Abstract Shell do not need a license for any IP that exists in the static design. Any static IP, with or without an explicit license check, behaves just as the proprietary design information described in the previous paragraph.