Implementation - 2020.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

Create as many configurations as necessary to implement all RMs at least once. The first configuration loads in synthesis results for top and the first RM. You must then mark the module as being reconfigurable, then run implementation. Write out a checkpoint for the complete routed configuration, and optionally for the RM so it can be reused later if desired. Finally, remove the RM from the design (update_design -cell -black_box) and write out a checkpoint for the locked static design alone.

Configuration 1:

open_checkpoint top_synth.dcp
read_xdc top_impl.xdc
set_property HD.RECONFIGURABLE true [get_cells rp1]
read_checkpoint -cell rp1 rp1_a_synth.dcp
write_checkpoint config1_routed.dcp
write_checkpoint -cell rp1 rp1_a_route_design.dcp
update_design -cell rp1 -black_box
lock_design -level routing
write_checkpoint static_routed.dcp

For the second configuration, load the placed and routed checkpoint for static (if it was closed), which currently has a black box for the RM. Then load in the synthesis results for the second RM and implement the design. Finally write out an implementation checkpoint for the second version of the RM.

Configuration 2:

open_checkpoint static_routed.dcp
read_checkpoint -cell rp1 rp1_b_synth.dcp
write_checkpoint config2_routed.dcp
write_checkpoint -cell rp1 rp1_b_route_design.dcp
Tip: Keep each configuration in a separate folder so that all intermediate checkpoints, log and report files, bit files, and other design outputs are kept unique.

If multiple RPs exist, then other configurations may be required. Additional configurations can also be created by importing previously implemented RM to create full designs that exist in hardware. This can be useful for creating full bitstreams with a desired combination for power-up, or for performing static timing analysis, power analysis, or simulation.

Full place and route results for each RM checkpoint is preserved completely, so creating new configurations is easily done by loading a collection of routed checkpoints. However, there are limitations to be aware of when using the flow. Using write_checkpoint -cell to save the RM implementation results does not preserve constraints local to this module. For RMs with internal clock constraints or timing exceptions starting and/or ending within the RM, these constraints need to be reapplied for timing analysis after creating the new configuration. RMs with Xilinx or third party IP are good examples of modules that might be exposed to this limitation.