Adding or Modifying Reconfigurable Modules or Configurations - 2020.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The Dynamic Function eXchange Wizard is the central mechanism for making any changes to RMs or Configurations. This includes adding new RMs, modifying source lists for any RM, creating new Configurations or Runs, or removing any of the above. When working within the wizard, nothing is saved or executed until the Finish button is clicked, so you can move forward or back through the screens, making adjustments as needed.

When changes to the RTL sources themselves are needed, they can be seen and opened from the Partition Definitions view in the Source window. This shows each RM in the same way as the full design is shown in the Hierarchy tab, but scoped to that level of hierarchy and below. This includes all sources and constraints that have been declared for each RM.

Figure 1. Sources Shown in Partition Definitions view