Method 3: Open/Read Checkpoint - 2020.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

If the static (top-level) design has synthesis or implementation results stored as a checkpoint, it can be loaded using the open_checkpoint command. This command reads in the static design checkpoint and opens it in active memory:

open_checkpoint <file>

If the checkpoint is for the complete netlist of a RM (that is, not for static), the instance name can be specified using read_checkpoint -cell. If the checkpoint is a post-implementation checkpoint, the additional -strict option must be used. This option can also be used with a post-synthesis checkpoint to ensure exact port matching. To read in a checkpoint in a RM, the top-level design must be open and have a black box for the specified cell. Then the following command can be specified:

read_checkpoint -cell <cellname> <file> [-strict]
Table 1. read_checkpoint Switches
Switch Name Description
-cell Specifies the full hierarchical name of the RM.
-strict Requires exact ports match for replacing a cell, and checks that part, package, and speed grade values are identical. Should be used when restoring implementation data.
<file> Specifies the full or relative path to the checkpoint (DCP) to be read in.
Do not use this method if the synthesized checkpoint has underlying modules that are not included. The read_checkpoint -cell approach does not support nesting. Use the link_design approach instead in Method 1: Add and Link Files.
Any Tcl variable pointing to design objects becomes invalid after subsequent read_checkpoint -cell commands. The content of those variables needs to be rebuilt prior to a second call to read_checkpoint -cell. Failure to do so could result to unwanted behavior (or even crashes) due to referencing objects that no longer exist.