Installing Vitis AI Runtime on the Evaluation Board - 1.2 English - UG1414

Vitis AI User Guide (UG1414)

Document ID
Release Date
1.2 English

To improve user experience, the Vitis AI Runtime packages, VART samples, Vitis-AI-Library samples and models have been built into the board image. And the examples are precompiled. Therefore, user does not need to install Vitis AI Runtime packages and model package on the board separately. However, users can still install the model or Vitis AI Runtime on their own image or on the official image by following these steps.

With an Ethernet connection established, you can copy the Vitis™ AI runtime (VART) package from github to the evaluation board and set up Vitis AI running environment for the ZCU102 board.
  1. Download the vitis-ai-runtime-1.2.x.tar.gz from here. Untar it and copy the following files to the board using scp.
    $tar -xzvf vitis-ai-runtime-1.2.x.tar.gz
    $scp -r vitis-ai-runtime-1.2.x/aarch64/centos root@IP_OF_BOARD:~/
    Note: You can take the rpm package as a normal archive, and extract the contents on the host side, if you only need some of the libraries. Only model libraries can be separated dependently, while the others are common libraries. The operation command is as follows.
    $rpm2cpio libvart-1.2.0-r<x>.aarch64.rpm | cpio -idmv
  2. Log in to the board using ssh. You can also use the serial port to login.
  3. Install the Vitis AI runtime. Execute the following commands in order.
    #cd ~/centos
    #rpm -ivh --force libunilog-1.2.0-r<x>.aarch64.rpm
    #rpm -ivh --force libxir-1.2.0-r<x>.aarch64.rpm
    #rpm -ivh --force libtarget-factory-1.2.0-r<x>.aarch64.rpm
    #rpm -ivh --force libvart-1.2.0-r<x>.aarch64.rpm
    If you want to run the example based on Vitis-AI-Library, execute the following command to install the Vitis-AI-Library runtime package.
    #rpm -ivh --force libvitis_ai_library-1.2.0-r<x>.aarch64.rpm

    After the installation is complete, the Vitis AI Runtime library will be installed under /usr/lib.