Setting the --input_nodes and --output_nodes - 1.2 English - UG1414

Vitis AI User Guide (UG1414)

Document ID
Release Date
1.2 English

The input_nodes and output_nodes arguments are the name list of input nodes of the quantize graph. They are the start and end points of quantization. The main graph between them is quantized if it is quantizable, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Quantization Flow for TensorFlow

It is recommended to set –input_nodes to be the last nodes of the preprocessing part and to set -output_nodes to be the last nodes of the main graph part, because some operations in the pre- and postprocessing parts are not quantizable and might cause errors when compiled by the Vitis AI quantizer if you need to deploy the quantized model to the DPU.

The input nodes might not be the same as the placeholder nodes of the graph. If no in-graph preprocessing part is present in the frozen graph, the placeholder nodes should be set to input_nodes.

The input_fn should be consistent with the placeholder nodes.