Step 3: Installing AI Library Package - 1.1 English - UG1354

Vitis AI Library User Guide (UG1354)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1 English
  1. Download the libvitis_ai_library-1.1.0-Linux-build46.deb (aarch64) packet.
  2. Copy the downloaded file to the board using scp with the following command.
    $scp libvitis_ai_library-1.1.0-Linux-build46.deb root@IP_OF_BOARD:~/
    Note: You can take the deb package as a normal archive, and extract the contents on the host side, if you only need some of the libraries. Only model libraries can be separated dependently, while the others are common libraries. The operation command is as follows.
    $mkdir extract
    $dpkg -X libvitis_ai_library-1.1.0-Linux-build46.deb extract
  3. Copy the glog-0.4.0-Linux.tar.gz from host to board with the following command.
    $cd ~/glog-0.4.0/build_for_petalinux
    $scp glog-0.4.0-Linux.tar.gz root@IP_OF_BOARD:~/
  4. Log in to the board using ssh.

    You can also use the serial port to login.

  5. Update the glog to v0.4.0.
    #tar -xzvf glog-0.4.0-Linux.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /usr
  6. For ZCU104, enable the power patch to make sure all models run normally for long-periods of time under heavy load.
  7. For ZCU102, reduce the DPU frequency to 93% to make sure all models run normally for long-periods of time under heavy load.
    #dpu_clk 93
  8. Install the Vitis AI Library.
    Execute the following command.
    #dpkg -i libvitis_ai_library-1.1.0-Linux-build46.deb

After the installation is complete, the directories are as follows.

  • Library files are stored in /usr/lib
  • The header files are stored in /usr/include/vitis/ai