Installer - 2024.2 English - UG973

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Library Name Change

The kernel shared library required by Xilinx Simulator Interface (XSI) to call functions is renamed in Vivado 2024.2. The library is located at <Vivado Installation Root>/lib/<platform> where <platform> is lnx64.o or win64.o.

The library name has been changed from (Linux) to (Linux) and librdi_simulator_kernel.dll (Windows) to xv_simulator_kernel.dll (Windows).

Installer Changes

The 2020.2 release introduced the new HLS product with support for both the AMD Vitis™ unified software platform and AMD Vivado™ tools. As part of this the overall folder structure changes, whereby the Vitis_HLS folder is now at the same root location as the AMD Vivado™ and AMD Vitis™ tools. You will need to update any custom setup scripts from the previous release.

The AMD 2024.2 scripts automatically handle this.

Note: AMD Vivado™ only tool installation now includes AMD Vitis™ folder to optimize the folder structure dependencies
Note: The End User License Agreement (EULA) and third party notices are selected based on the product you have chosen to install.