Third-Party Tool | Red Hat 64-bit Linux | SUSE Linux | Windows 10 64-bit | Ubuntu |
Simulation | ||||
Mentor Graphics ModelSim DE (2024.1) | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Mentor Graphics Questa Advanced Simulator (2024.1) | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Cadence Xcelium Parallel Simulator (24.03.003) | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Synopsys VCS (V-2023.12-SP1) | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A |
The MathWorks MATLABĀ® and SimulinkĀ® (R2021a and R2021b) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Aldec Active-HDL (15.0) 1 | N/A | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Aldec Riviera-PRO (2024.04) | Yes | N/A | Yes | N/A |
Synthesis 2 | ||||
Synopsys Synplify base/elite/apex (R-2023.03-SP1) 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Mentor Graphics Precision RTL/Plus (2019.1.1) | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Equivalence Checking | ||||
OneSpin 360 (2023.2) | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Note: The versions listed in
the preceding table are the minimum required versions to use with the Vivado tools. Previous versions are not
Note: Contact simulation
vendor to check if you need license for using advanced simulation features.