Download, Import, and Trust the AMD Public Key - 2024.1 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.1 English
  1. Download the AMD public key.
    1. Go to the AMD Downloads Website.
    2. In Download Verification, click the Public Key for the installer you have selected to download. There is a separate public key for each installer file.

      This downloads xilinx-master-signing-key.asc.

    3. Confirm the download and import of the AMD public key.
  2. To import the key, enter the following command: gpg --import ./xilinx-master-signing-key.asc
    gpg --import ./xilinx-master-signing-key.asc
    gpg: keybox '/home/myuser/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
    gpg: /home/myuser/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
    gpg: key 0x85D4B4BB1D692FDB: public key "Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx Software signing key) <>" imported
    gpg: total number processed: 1
    gpg:               imported: 1
  3. Set the trust level to ultimate. This allows verification of the key signed by AMD.
    1. First, enter the following command to list the public keys: gpg --list-keys
      gpg --list-keys
      pub   rsa4096/0x85D4B4BB1D692FDB 2018-04-10 [SC]
            Key fingerprint = 745F 4D5B 2402 441F 410F BD0D 85D4 B4BB 1D69 2FDB
      uid                   [ unknown] xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx Software signing key) <>
      sub   rsa4096/0xE80A66CA2B176EF9 2018-04-10 [S]
      sub   rsa4096/0xF991913DFE46B839 2018-04-10 [E}
      sub   rsa4096/0xC93822D0B9087126 2018-04-10 [A]
    2. To specify the key to edit, enter the following command: gpg --edit-key 0x85D4B4BB1D692FDB
      gpg --edit-key 0x85D4B4BB1D692FDB
      gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.15; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. 
      There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 
      pub  rsa4096/0x85D4B4BB1D692FDB
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: SC
           trust: unknown       validity: unknown
      sub  rsa4096/0xE80A66CA2B176EF9
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: S
      sub  rsa4096/0xF991913DFE468839
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: E
      sub  rsa4096/0xC93822D0B9087126
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: A
      [ unknown] (1). Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx Software signing key) <>
    3. Enter the following command to set the trust level for the legitimate key: trust
      gpg> trust
      pub  rsa4096/0x85D4B4BB1D692FDB
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: SC
           trust: unknown       validity: unknown
      sub  rsa4096/0xE80A66CA2B176EF9
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: S
      sub  rsa4096/0xF991913DFE468839
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: E
      sub  rsa4096/0xC93822D0B9087126
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: A
      [ unknown] (1). Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx Software signing key) <>
      Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' keys
      (by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, etc.)
        1 = I don't know or won't say
        2 = I do NOT trust
        3 = I trust marginally
        4 = I trust fully
        5 = I trust ultimately
        m = back to the main menu
    4. Enter 5 at the prompt.
      Your decision? 5
      Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/n) y
      pub  rsa4096/0x85D4B4BB1D692FDB
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: SC
           trust: ultimate       validity: unknown
      sub  rsa4096/0xE80A66CA2B176EF9
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: S
      sub  rsa4096/0xF991913DFE468839
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: E
      sub  rsa4096/0xC93822D0B9087126
           created: 2018-04-10  expires: never      usage: A
      [ unknown] (1). Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx Software signing key) <>
      Please note that the shown key validity is not necessarily correct
      unless you restart the program.
      gpg> q
Now that you have downloaded, imported, and trusted the AMD public key – you can ensure the authenticity and integrity of the downloaded file by verifying the signature or verifying the digest.
Note: You can pick one or both of methods to ensure the authenticity and integrity of downloaded file.