XRT and Deployment Platform Installation Procedures on Ubuntu - UG1531

VCK5000 Data Center Acceleration Development Kit Hardware Installation Guide (UG1531)

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1.1 English

Use the following steps to download and install the XRT and deployment platform using a .deb installation package.

For details on installing a newer or older version of XRT and deployment platform, see Changing XRT and Target Platform Versions.

  1. From the lounge, download the AMD runtime (XRT) and deployment target platform installation packages.

    Download the packages by clicking on the displayed package names.

    Important: The 2022.1 Gen4x8 XDMA base 2 or 2022.2 Gen4x8 QDMA base 2 platforms are not supported in this guide. The memory partition must be migrated following the 2-Stage process discussed in the VCK5000 Migration Guide for those platforms. To successfully run the 2022.2 Gen4x8 QDMA base 2 platform the card must first be migrated to the 2022.1 Gen4x8 XDMA base 2 platform then flashed to the 2022.2 Gen4x8 QDMA base 2 platform.
  2. Install the XRT installation package by running the following command from within the directory where the installation packages reside. <version> is the latter part of the installation package file name.
    $ sudo apt install ./xrt_<version>.deb

    This will install the XRT along with any necessary dependencies. Follow the instructions when prompted throughout the installation.

  3. Unpack the deployment target platform tar.gz file into a single directory. The location of the directory is not important, however the directory should not contain any other files.

  4. Install the deployment packages. From within the directory where the installation packages were unpacked, run the following command. This will install all deployment packages.
    sudo apt install ./*.deb
  5. Flash the platform firmware on the card. After installing the deployment packages in the previous step, the following message is displayed:
    Partition package installed successfully.
    Please flash card manually by running below command:
    sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt program --base --device <bdf> --image xilinx_vck5000_gen3x16_xdma_base_1
    To find <bdf>, run this command:
    sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt examine
    Flash the platform firmware on the card with the following command:
    $ sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt program --base --device <management BDF> --image xilinx_vck5000_gen3x16_xdma_base_1
    Where management BDF is the card to be programmed. See Obtaining Card BDF Values to obtain the device management BDF.

    Flashing can take several minutes.

    Important: Do not enter Ctrl + c in the terminal while the firmware is flashing as this can cause the card to become inoperable.
    Important: If you have multiple cards installed in the system, you must run the above xbmgmt program command separately for each card.

    A message similar to the following will be displayed after successfully flashing the card:

    1 device(s) flashed successfully.
    Cold reboot machine to load the new image on device(s).
    If the card has been flashed with the current platform firmware, you will see a message similar to the following.
    Device(s) up-to-date and do not need to be flashed.
  6. Cold boot the machine to load the new firmware image on the FPGA.
    Important: Be sure to perform a cold boot to fully power off the machine and then power it on again. The image will not boot from flash if the machine is only rebooted.
  7. Update the SC firmware on the card. Run the following command to update the SC firmware on the card. It is the identical command used to flash the platform firmware on the card.
    $ sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt program --base --device <management BDF> --image xilinx_vck5000_gen3x16_xdma_base_1
    Where management BDF is the card requiring SC firmware update. See Obtaining Card BDF Values to obtain the device management BDF.

    Updating the SC firmware can take several minutes.

    Important: If you have multiple cards installed in the system, you must run the above xbmgmt program command separately for each card.
    A message similar to the following will be displayed after a successful SC firmware update, where the device management BDF is given in square brackets.
    		[0000:af:00.0] : Successfully flashed
    1 device(s) flashed successfully.
    Warm reboot is required to recognize new SC image on the device.
    If the card already has the current firmware, a message similar to the following is displayed and no additional installation steps are necessary.
    Device(s) up-to-date and do not need to be flashed.
  8. Warm reboot the system for XRT to recognize the new SC image.

The installation for deployment is now complete. Card Bring-Up and Validation provides steps to validate the card has been installed successfully.