Each VCK5000 card is assigned both a management and an user BDF (Bus:Device:Function). For a given card, the management and user BDF values differ only by the function digit.
To obtain the management and user BDF values for installed cards, use the following commands. It requires XRT to be installed.
The XRT documentation provides detailed descriptions on the management and user functions.
Management BDF
To display the management BDF values of installed cards, use the following command:
sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt examine
The management BDF values of installed cards are given in the square brackets under 'Devices present'. In the below example, only one device is present and has a management BDF of 0000:02:00.0.
Devices present
[0000:02:00.0] : xilinx_vck5000-es3
User BDF
xbutil examine
The user BDF values of installed cards are given in the square brackets under 'Devices present'. In the below example, only one device is present and has a user BDF of 0000:02:00.1.
Devices present
[0000:02:00.1] : xilinx_vck5000-es3