JTAG Target Interface - UG1514

SmartLynq+ Module User Guide (UG1514)

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1.0 English
The JTAG target interface uses a standard 14-pin connector. Xilinx recommends using the provided 6-inch ribbon cable or 6-inch flying leads to connect the SmartLynq+ Module to the JTAG interface on the target board, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1. SmartLynq+Module JTAG Connection to the JTAG Interface on a Target Board

To take advantage of the ribbon cable, a mating connector must be incorporated into the target board, as is implemented on Xilinx evaluation boards. This connector is normally installed only during prototype development. When the production hardware is functional and the JTAG devices can be configured from alternate sources, the connector can be eliminated from the board cost. Maintaining the footprint for this connector is recommended if space permits.

The connector has a 2-mm shrouded, keyed header. (See the Header Manufacturers table in GPIO Target Interface for Vendor part numbers.) Mating connectors for attaching the high-performance ribbon cable to the JTAG port on a target board are available in both through-hole and surface-mount configurations.

Shrouded and keyed versions should always be used to guarantee proper orientation when inserting the cable. The connector requires 105 mm2 of board space. The target board voltage applied to pin 2 of the JTAG connector is used as a power source for the output buffers that drive the output pins. Target interface connector details including dimensions, signal assignments, pin descriptions, vendor part numbers, DC electrical and switching characteristics, and timing are provided in the following tables and figures.

Figure 2. Dimensions and Signal Assignments
Table 1. Interface Pin Descriptions
Pin Number Pin Name Direction Description
2 VREF In Target Reference Voltage. Connected to a voltage bus on the target board that serves the JTAG interface.
4 TMS Out JTAG Test Mode Select. JTAG mode signal establishing appropriate TAP state transitions on all target JTAG devices.
6 TCK Out JTAG Test Clock. Clock signal for JTAG operations connected to the TCK pin on all target JTAG devices sharing the same data stream.
8 TDO In JTAG Test Data Out. Serial data stream received from the TDO pin on the last device in a JTAG chain.
10 TDI Out JTAG Test Data In. Outputs the serial data stream transmitted to the TDI pin on the first device in a JTAG chain.
13 PGND Out JTAG Pseudo Ground. Use of this pin is optional, if unused it can be left with no connection. PGND is LOW during JTAG operation.
14 SRST Out System Reset. Use of this pin is optional, if unused it can be left with no connection. Host applications can customize the behavior of this signal.
Table 2. Mating Connectors for 2 mm pitch, 14-Conductor Ribbon Cable
Manufacturer SMT, Vertical Through-Hole, Vertical Through-Hole, Right Angle Website
Molex 87832-1420 87831-1420 87833-1420 www.molex.com
Table 3. DC Electrical Characteristics
Symbol Description Conditions Min. Max. Unit
VOH High-level output voltage VREF = 1.65V, IOH = –8 mA 1.2 - V
VREF = 2.3V, IOH = –9 mA 1.7
VREF = 3V, IOH = –12 mA 2.3
VOL Low-level output voltage IOL = 8 mA - 0.4 V
IOL = 9 mA 0.5
IOL = 12 mA 0.7
VIH High-level input voltage VREF = 1.2V to 1.35V 0.78 - V
VREF = 1.35V to 1.65V 0.88
VREF = 1.65V to 1.95V 1.1
VREF = 1.95V to 2.7V 1.6
VREF = 2.7V to 3.3V 2
VIL Low-level input voltage VREF = 1.2V to 1.95V - 0.4 V
VREF = 1.95V to 2.7V 0.7
VREF = 2.7V to 3.3V 0.8
ICC Dynamic current - - 110 mA
Table 4. Switching Characteristics
Symbol Description Conditions Min. Max. Unit
TCLK Clock period with 50% duty cycle 50 kHz to 100 MHz 10 8,000 ns
TCPD Cable Propagation Delay Time (TDI or TMS relative to the negative edge of TCK) VREF = 1.2V to 3.3V - 1 ns
TTSU Cable Setup Time (TDO relative to the negative edge of TCK) VREF = 1.2V to 3.3V 1 - ns
TCHU Cable Hold Time (TDO relative to the negative edge of TCK) VREF = 1.2V to 3.3V 1 - ns
Figure 3. SmartLynq+ Module Timing Diagram