AMD-Specific Configuration Checks and Descriptions - 2.0 English

AXI Protocol Checker LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG101)

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2.0 English

The following table lists AMD-specific checks for configuration-dependent signaling requirements and recommendations.

Table 1. AMD Configuration Checks and Descriptions
Name of Protocol Check Bit Notes Protocol Support Description
XILINX_AW_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST 86 - AXI4/AXI3 When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AW Master cannot issue a transfer with AWLEN > 0 and AWSIZE is less than the defined interface DATA_WIDTH.
XILINX_AR_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST 87 - AXI4/AXI3 When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AR Master cannot issue a transfer with ARLEN > 0 and ARSIZE is less than the defined interface DATA_WIDTH.
XILINX_AW_SUPPORTS_NARROW_CACHE 88 - AXI4/AXI3 When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AW Master cannot issue a transfer with AWLEN > 0 and AWCACHE modifiable bit is not asserted.
XILINX_AR_SUPPORTS_NARROW_CACHE 89 - AXI4/AXI3 When the connection does not support narrow transfers, the AR Master cannot issue a transfer with ARLEN > 0 and ARCACHE modifiable bit is not asserted.
XILINX_AW_MAX_BURST 90 - AXI4/AXI3 AW Master cannot issue AWLEN greater than the configured maximum burst length.
XILINX_AR_MAX_BURST 91 - AXI4/AXI3 AR Master cannot issue ARLEN greater than the configured maximum burst length.

AWREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.

Xilinx recommends that slaves drive all READY outputs low during reset to avoid dropping a transfer in case the connected master recovers from reset during an earlier cycle.


WREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.

Xilinx recommends that slaves drive all READY outputs low during reset to avoid dropping a transfer in case the connected master recovers from reset during an earlier cycle.


BREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.

Xilinx recommends that masters drive all READY outputs low during reset.


ARREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.

Xilinx recommends that slaves drive all READY outputs low during reset to avoid dropping a transfer in case the connected master recovers from reset during an earlier cycle.


RREADY is Low for the first cycle after ARESETn goes High.

Xilinx recommends that masters drive all READY outputs low during reset.

XILINX_RECS_CONTINUOUS_RTRANSFERS_MAX_WAIT 97 L 1 AXI4/AXI3/Lite RVALID should be asserted within MAX_CONTINUOUS_RTRANSFERS_WAITS cycles of either the AR command transfer or the previous R transfer while there are outstanding AR commands.
XILINX_RECM_CONTINUOUS_WTRANSFERS_MAX_WAIT 98 L 1 AXI4/AXI3/Lite WVALID should be asserted within MAX_CONTINUOUS_WTRANSFERS_WAITS cycles of either the AW command transfer or previous W transfer while there are outstanding AW commands.
XILINX_RECM_WLAST_TO_AWVALID_MAX_WAIT 99 L 1 AXI4/AXI3/Lite AWVALID should be asserted within MAX_WLAST_TO_AWVALID_WAITS cycles of a WLAST transfer (or AXI4-Lite W transfer) or previous AW transfer if there are yet more WLAST transfers outstanding.
XILINX_RECS_WRITE_TO_BVALID_MAX_WAIT 100 L 1 AXI4/AXI3/Lite BVALID should be asserted within MAX_WRITE_TO_BVALID_WAITS cycles of an AW command transfer or WLAST transfer (or AXI4-Lite W transfer), whichever is later, or previous B transfer if there are yet more completed AW and WLAST transfers outstanding.
XILINX_ARESETN_PULSE_WIDTH 101 AXI4/AXI3/Lite ARESETn must be low for at least 16 ACLKn cycles.
XILINX_AXI4_ERRM_NO_STRB_ADDRESS 102 L 1 AXI4/AXI3/Lite When there is no WSTRB, address must be aligned with the data width
XILINX_AXI4_ERRM_SUPPORTS_NARROW_BURST_SIZE 103 L 1 AXI4/AXI3/Lite When there is support narrow burst along with WSTRB, then AWSIZE has to be greater than or equal to data width
XILINX_AXI4_RD_RESP_SLVERR 104 - AXI4/AXI3/Lite When CHK_ERR_RESP is enabled, this check detects the SLVERR on Read Response
XILINX_AXI4_RD_RESP_DECERR 105 - AXI4/AXI3/Lite When CHK_ERR_RESP is enabled, this check detects the DECERR on Read Response
XILINX_AXI4_WR_RESP_SLVERR 106 - AXI4/AXI3/Lite When CHK_ERR_RESP is enabled, this check detects the SLVERR on Write Response channel
XILINX_AXI4_WR_RESP_DECERR 107 - AXI4/AXI3/Lite When CHK_ERR_RESP is enabled, this check detects the DECERR on Write Response channel
  1. L: This check remains enabled in Lightweight mode.