con - 2023.1 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Resume active target.


con [options]

Resume execution of active target.


Option Description
-addr <address> Resume execution from address specified by <address>.
-block Block until the target stops or a timeout is reached.
-timeout <sec> Timeout value in seconds.


Nothing, if the target is resumed. Error string, if the target is already running or cannot be resumed or does not halt within timeout after being resumed.

An information message is printed on the console when the target is resumed.


con -addr 0x100000

Resume execution of the active target from address 0x100000.

con -block

Resume execution of the active target and wait until the target stops.

con -block -timeout 5

Resume execution of the active target and wait until the target stops or until the five second timeout is reached.