Process/Thread Level Debugging - 2023.1 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The Debug view is updated with the list of processes running on the Linux kernel, when the OS aware debugging is enabled. For details on how to enable OS aware debugging, refer to Enabling OS Aware Debug. The processes list is updated for the first time when the processor core is halted and is updated dynamically thereafter (new processes are added to the list and terminated processes are removed).

A process context can be expanded to see the threads that are part of the process.

Figure 1. Debug View

Symbol files can be added for a process context to enable source level debugging and see stack trace variables. Source level breakpoints can also be set. Alternatively, the source level debugging can be enabled by setting the Path Map. The debugger uses the Path Map setting to search and load symbols files for all executable files and shared libraries in the system.

Note: Path Map is used for both symbols and source lookups.