About Debug Perspective
Perspective is a method that the Vitis IDE uses to organize the window views to help you accomplish current tasks. The common perspectives are:
- Debug Perspective: the perspective that groups multiple views for debugging
- Design Perspective: the default perspective for code editing
- Performance Analysis Perspective: the perspective that groups multiple views for performance analysis
Launching Debug Perspective
You can use any of the following methods to launch Debug Perspective
- On the right side of the tool bar, click the Debug Perspective icon
- Click
Layout of Debug Perspective
Debug View
The debug view shows the processes for the current debug session and it is called 'stacks'.
Variables View
The variables view shows the local variables of the current function.
For global variables, please use the Expressions View.
Breakpoints View
You can click the three dots icon on the upper right corner to get more features in this view, such as add line breakpoint, add function breakpoint, add event breakpoint, add watchpoint, and so on.
You can right click a breakpoint, select breakpoint properties to setup advanced use cases, such as condition, actions, and so on.
Setting breakpoints automatically at all exceptions handlers from IDE may not be feasible because the handlers may not have standard names like main/exit.
Expressions View
The expressions view can show the results of user input expressions.
To view the value of global variables of C/C++ applications, please add the global variable name in the expressions view.
Registers View
The registers view shows the processor registers.