Creating a Standalone Application Project - 2023.1 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

You can create a C or C++ standalone application project by using the New Application Project wizard.

To create a project:

  1. Click File > New > Application Project. The New Application Project wizard appears.
    Note: This is equivalent to clicking on File > New > Project to open the New Project wizard, selecting Vitis > Application Project, and clicking Next.

    This will show you the page that guide you to create the application project.

  2. Click Next to open the platform view.
  3. Choose a platform for your project.
    • You can either use a pre-supplied platform (from AMD or another vendor), or a previously created custom platform.
    • You can create one automatically from an exported Vivado hardware project (XSA).

    Click Next to proceed.

  4. Provide the name of the application project (user choice), the name of the system project (user choice), and the target processor for the application. The tool automatically creates a system project with the given name, but you can add the application to existing system projects. Click Next to proceed to the Domain page.

  5. Provide the name of the domain (user choice), select the Operating System as standalone, and also select the architecture. The tool automatically creates a domain for the target processor. Additionally, you can use existing domains in the platform. Click Next to proceed to the Templates page.

    The software platform provides useful sample applications listed in the Templates page that you can use to create your project. The Description box displays a brief description of the selected sample application. When you use a sample application for your project, the Vitis software platform creates the required source and header files and linker script.

  6. Select the desired template. If you want to create a blank project, select Empty Application.

    You can then add C files to the project, after the project is created.

  7. Click Finish to create your application project and the domain (if it does not exist).