Dump/Restore Memory - 2022.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The Memory view does not have the ability to load or dump memory contents from or to a file.

You can use the Dump/Restore Memory function to copy the memory file contents to a data file and restore data file contents back to memory. To do this:

  1. Launch the hardware server, if it is not already running.
  2. Select Xilinx > Dump/Restore Memory.
  3. The Dump/Restore Memory page opens.

  4. Click Select to select a Processor from the Select Peer and Context view. The Vitis software platform creates peers based on available target connections. For this example, the Vitis software platform creates a peer called Zc706_remote.
  5. Select the peer corresponding to your Target connection from the Peers list (in this case, Zc706_remote), and then select the related processor, ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0, from the APU Context.
    Note: Select the processor context, not the device context. In the example here, the processor context is APU.
  6. Click OK to select the processor.
  7. Set the location of the data file to restore from or dump to.
  8. Select either the Restore Memory or Dump Memory option button.
  9. In the Start field, specify the starting memory address from which you want to dump or restore memory.
  10. In the Size (in bytes) field, specify the number of bytes to be dumped or restored.
  11. Click OK. The Vitis software platform dumps or restores data from the starting address specified.