Selecting an ATG Traffic Configuration - 2022.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

To select a traffic configuration:

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the hardware platform and select Run As > Run Configurations.
  2. Under Performance Analysis, select Performance Analysis on <filename>.elf.
  3. You can use the ATG Configuration view to define multiple traffic configurations and select the traffic to be used for the current run.
  4. The port location is taken from the Hardware handoff file. If no ATG was configured in the design, the ATG Configuration view is empty.
  5. You can use the ATG Configuration page to add and edit configurations.
  6. To add a configuration to the list of configurations, click the + button.
  7. To edit a configuration, select the Configuration: drop-down list to choose the configuration that you want to edit.
  8. For ease of defining an ATG configuration, you can create Configuration Templates. These templates are saved for the user workspace and can be used across the Projects for ATG traffic definitions. To create a template, do the following:
  9. Click Configure Templates.
  10. Click the + button to add a new user-defined configuration template.
  11. The newly created template is assigned a Template ID with the pattern of "UserDef_*" by default. You can change the ID and also define the rest of the fields.
  12. You can use these defined templates to define an ATG configuration. To delete a Configuration Template, select it and click the X button.
    Tip: In an ATG configuration, to set a port so that it does not have any traffic, set the Template ID for that port to None.