Drivers - 2022.2 English - UG1400

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Embedded Software Development (UG1400)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

Most peripherals require software drivers. The peripherals are shipped with associated drivers, libraries and BSPs. Refer to the Device Driver Programmer Guide for more information on driver functions. This guide can be found in the <install_directory>\vitis \<version> \data\embeddedsw\doc.

The MSS file includes a driver block for each peripheral instance. The block contains a reference to the driver by name (DRIVER_NAME parameter) and the driver version (DRIVER_VER). There is no default value for these parameters.

A driver has an associated MDD file and a Tcl file.

  • The driver MDD file is the data definition file and specifies all configurable parameters for the drivers.
  • Each MDD file has a corresponding Tcl file which generates data that includes generation of header files, generation of C files, running DRCs for the driver, and generating executables.

You can write your own drivers. These drivers must be in a specific directory under / or / drivers, as shown in the figure in Software Repository.

  • The DRIVER_NAME attribute allows you to specify any name for your drivers, which is also the name of the driver directory.
  • The source files and make file for the driver must be in the /src subdirectory under the / directory.
  • The make file must have the targets /include and /libs.
  • Each driver must also contain an MDD file and a Tcl file in the /data subdirectory.

Open the existing driver files to get an understanding of the required structure.

Refer to Microprocessor Driver Definition (MDD) for details on how to write an MDD and its corresponding Tcl file.