Updating Out-of-Date Designs - 2022.1 English - UG892

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Flows Overview (UG892)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

During the design process, source files or constraints often require modification. The Vivado IDE manages the dependencies of these files and indicates when the design data in the current design is out of date. For example, changing settings, such as the target part or active constraint set, can make a design out of date. As source files, netlists, or implementation results are updated, an out-of-date message is displayed in the design window banner of an open synthesized or implemented design to indicate that the run is out of date (shown in the following figure). Click the associated more info link to view which aspects of the design are out of date.

Figure 1. Design Out-of-Date and Reload Banner

From the design window banner, use any of the following actions to resolve an out-of-date design:

  • Click More Info, and click the Force up-to-date link in the Out-of-Date Due to window that appears.

    Force up-to-date resets the NEEDS_REFRESH property on the active synthesis or implementation runs as needed to force the runs into an up-to-date state. The associated Tcl command is shown in the following sample code:

    set_property NEEDS_REFRESH false [get_runs synth_2]
    Note: Use this command to force designs up to date when a minor design change was made, and you do not want to refresh the design.
  • Click Reload to refresh the in-memory view of the current design, eliminating any unsaved changes you made to the design data.
  • Click Close Design to close the out-of-date design.