PetaLinux requires the following preparation before use:
1. Create the PetaLinux master project in a suitable directory without any spaces. In this guide it is named <plnx-proj-root>:
$ petalinux-create -t project -s <PATH_TO_PETALINUX_ZYNQMP_PROJECT_BSP>
2. Navigate to the <plnx-proj-root> directory:
$ cd <plnx-proj-root>
3. Include a remote application in the PetaLinux project.
This step is needed if you are not using one of the pre-built remote firmware already included with the PetaLinux BSP. After you have developed and built a remote application (for example, with Xilinx Vitis) it must be included in the PetaLinux project so that it is available from the Linux filesystem for remoteproc .
a. Create a PetaLinux application inside the components/apps/<app_name> directory, using the following command:
$ petalinux-create -t apps --template install -n <app_name> --enable
b. Copy the firmware (that is, the .elf file) built with Xilinx Vitis for the remote processor into this directory:
Modify the
to install the remote processor firmware in the
For example:
Recipe needs to be changed due to syntax changes in yocto
Please use recipe content below
SUMMARY = "Simple freertos-amp-demos application"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
SRC_URI = "file://<myfirmware> \
S = "${WORKDIR}"
INSANE_SKIP:${PN} = "arch"
RDEPENDS:${PN} += " \
libmetal \
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/firmware
install -m 0644 ${S}/<myfirmware> ${D}${base_libdir}/firmware/<myfirmware>
FILES:${PN} = "${base_libdir}/firmware/<myfirmware>"
4. For all devices, configure the kernel options to work with OpenAMP:
a. Start the PetaLinux Kernel configuration tool:
petalinux-config -c kernel
b. Enable loadable module support:
[*] Enable loadable module support --->
c. Enable the remoteproc driver support: Note that the commands differ, based on which Zynq device you are using:
Device Drivers --->
Remoteproc drivers --->
# for R5:
<M> ZynqMP_r5 remoteproc support
# for Zynq A9
<M> Support ZYNQ remoteproc
5. Enable all of the modules and applications in the RootFS :
IMPORTANT: These options are only available in the PetaLinux reference BSP. The applications in this procedure are examples you can use.
a. Open the RootFS configuration menu:
petalinux-config -c rootfs
b. Ensure the OpenAMP applications and rpmsg modules are enabled:
Filesystem Packages --->
-> Petalinux Package Groups
-> packagegroup-petalinux-openamp
Note: packagegroup-petalinux-openamp enables many openamp related sub-components. If you need more fine-grained control, do not set this packagegroup. Instead, enable the following individual components as needed:
rpmsg-echo-test, rpmsg-mat-mul, rpmsg-proxy-app
Links to each of the packages’ source code for the above components can be found in the following:
° rpmsg-echo-test:
° If needed, enable inclusion of default remote processor firmware images:
Filesystem Packages --->
misc --->
openamp-fw-echo-testd --->
[*] openamp-fw-echo-testd
openamp-fw-mat-muld --->
[*] openamp-fw-mat-muld
openamp-fw-rpc-demo --->
[*] openamp-fw-rpc-demo
Note: This includes the same remote processor firmwares provided by pre-built images as found in the rootfs /lib/firmware directory. It is not needed if you build new images with the Xilinx Vitis.