PetaLinux uses meta-openamp to build libmetal library and the libmetal Linux demo application. If you want to create your own libmetal application, you can do it with Xilinx Vitis.
Following are the steps in Xilinx Vitis to generate the application.
1. Building and package sysroots.
$ petalinux-build -s
$ petalinux-package --sysroot
2. Run XVitis.
3. Create a new platform project for the Linux application select File > New Platform Project and specify a name for your platform project.
OS: Linux
Processor: psu_cortexa53
Linux sysroot: the sysroot you built from your PetaLinux project:
Click Next
4. Create a new platform from the hardware (XSA). Click Browse and import your.xsa file.
° Select Operating System: Linux
° Processor: psu_cortexa53
° Uncheck Generate boot components.
° Using the boot components generated by the PetaLinux project and then click Finish .
5. Create a Linux libmetal application project File > New Application Project > Next.
° Select a platform from repository, then select the Linux platform project that was created in the previous steps Specify the applicaiton project name, processor psu_cortexa53 SMP.
° Specify the sysroots path in your PetaLinux project, browse to the directory below:
- images/linux/sdk/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux
° Optional:
- RootFS - rootfs.tar.gz
- Kernal Image - image.ub
- Available template - Linux emtpy Application
C/C++ Build → Settings
Tool Setting Tab Libraries
Libra.ries (-l) add "metal"
7. Copy files located at ( ) to the application's src directory.
° common.h
° ipi_latency_demo.c
° ipi_shmem_demo.c
° ipi-uio.c
° shmem_atomic_demo.c
° shmem_demo.c
° shmem_latency_demo.c
° shmem_throughput_demo.c
° sys_init.c
° sys_init.h
° libmetal_amp_demo.c
Note: The demo talks to RPU 0 by default, if you want to change the demo to talk to RPU 1, change the IPI mask value in common.h to 0x200, which is the default RPU1 IPI mask.
8. Install the Linux application executable built from XVitis and firmware into the rootfs built with PetaLinux tools using a Yocto Recipe created by:
petalinux-create -t apps -n <app_name> --enable
Modify the project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/<app_name>/<application name>.bb to install the remote processor firmware in the RootFS as follows:
SUMMARY = "Simple test application"
SRC_URI = "file://<linux-app> \
file://<firmware> \
S = "${WORKDIR}"
INSANE_SKIP:${PN} = "arch"
do_install() {
# Install firmware into /lib/firmware on target
install -d ${D}/lib/firmware
install -m 0644 ${S}/<firmware> ${D}/lib/firmware/<firmware>
# Install linux application into /usr/bin on target
install -d ${D}/usr/bin
install -m 0755 ${S}/<linux-app> ${D}/usr/bin/<linux-app>
FILES:${PN} = "/lib/firmware/<firmware> /usr/bin/<linux-app> "
Note: For libmetal linux side demo on ZynqMP to talk to RPU1, modify the following: Change from 0x100 to 0x200.