STARTUPE3 - 2021.2 English - UG974

UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide (UG974)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Primitive: STARTUP Block

  • Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+


This design element is used to interface device pins and logic to the global asynchronous set/reset (GSR) signal, the global 3-state (GTS) dedicated routing or the internal configuration signals or a few of the dedicated configuration pins.

Port Descriptions

Port Direction Width Function
CCLK Internal 1 Internal clock pin for timing. UltraScale+ only
CFGCLK Output 1 Configuration main clock output.
CFGMCLK Output 1 Configuration internal oscillator clock output.
DATA_IN<3:0> Internal 4 Internal data pin for timing. UltraScale+ only
DATA_OUT<3:0> Internal 4 Internal data pin for timing. UltraScale+ only
DI<3:0> Output 4 Allow receiving on the D input pin.
DO<3:0> Input 4 Allows control of the D pin output.
DTS<3:0> Input 4 Allows tristate of the D pin.
EOS Output 1 Active-High output signal indicating the End Of Startup.
FCSBO Input 1 Controls the FCS_B pin for flash access.
FCSBTS Input 1 Tristate the FCS_B pin.
GSR Input 1 Global Set/Reset input (GSR cannot be used for the port).
GTS Input 1 Global 3-state input (GTS cannot be used for the port name).
KEYCLEARB Input 1 Clear AES Decrypter Key input from Battery-Backed RAM (BBRAM).
PACK Input 1 PROGRAM acknowledge input.
PREQ Output 1 PROGRAM request to fabric output.
USRCCLKO Input 1 User CCLK input.
USRCCLKTS Input 1 User CCLK 3-state enable input.
USRDONEO Input 1 User DONE pin output control.
USRDONETS Input 1 User DONE 3-state enable output.

Design Entry Method

Instantiation Recommended
Inference No
IP and IP Integrator Catalog No

Available Attributes

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
PROG_USR STRING "FALSE", "TRUE" "FALSE" Activate program event security feature. Requires encrypted bitstreams.
SIM_CCLK_FREQ FLOAT(nS) 0.0 to 10.0 0.0 Set the Configuration Clock Frequency (ns) for simulation.

VHDL Instantiation Template

Unless they already exist, copy the following two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

--            UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

generic map (
   PROG_USR => "FALSE",  -- Activate program event security feature. Requires encrypted bitstreams.
   SIM_CCLK_FREQ => 0.0  -- Set the Configuration Clock Frequency (ns) for simulation.
port map (
   CFGCLK => CFGCLK,       -- 1-bit output: Configuration main clock output.
   CFGMCLK => CFGMCLK,     -- 1-bit output: Configuration internal oscillator clock output.
   DI => DI,               -- 4-bit output: Allow receiving on the D input pin.
   EOS => EOS,             -- 1-bit output: Active-High output signal indicating the End Of Startup.
   PREQ => PREQ,           -- 1-bit output: PROGRAM request to fabric output.
   DO => DO,               -- 4-bit input: Allows control of the D pin output.
   DTS => DTS,             -- 4-bit input: Allows tristate of the D pin.
   FCSBO => FCSBO,         -- 1-bit input: Controls the FCS_B pin for flash access.
   FCSBTS => FCSBTS,       -- 1-bit input: Tristate the FCS_B pin.
   GSR => GSR,             -- 1-bit input: Global Set/Reset input (GSR cannot be used for the port).
   GTS => GTS,             -- 1-bit input: Global 3-state input (GTS cannot be used for the port name).
   KEYCLEARB => KEYCLEARB, -- 1-bit input: Clear AES Decrypter Key input from Battery-Backed RAM (BBRAM).
   PACK => PACK,           -- 1-bit input: PROGRAM acknowledge input.
   USRCCLKO => USRCCLKO,   -- 1-bit input: User CCLK input.
   USRCCLKTS => USRCCLKTS, -- 1-bit input: User CCLK 3-state enable input.
   USRDONEO => USRDONEO,   -- 1-bit input: User DONE pin output control.
   USRDONETS => USRDONETS  -- 1-bit input: User DONE 3-state enable output.

-- End of STARTUPE3_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

//            UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

   .PROG_USR("FALSE"),  // Activate program event security feature. Requires encrypted bitstreams.
   .SIM_CCLK_FREQ(0.0)  // Set the Configuration Clock Frequency (ns) for simulation.
STARTUPE3_inst (
   .CFGCLK(CFGCLK),       // 1-bit output: Configuration main clock output.
   .CFGMCLK(CFGMCLK),     // 1-bit output: Configuration internal oscillator clock output.
   .DI(DI),               // 4-bit output: Allow receiving on the D input pin.
   .EOS(EOS),             // 1-bit output: Active-High output signal indicating the End Of Startup.
   .PREQ(PREQ),           // 1-bit output: PROGRAM request to fabric output.
   .DO(DO),               // 4-bit input: Allows control of the D pin output.
   .DTS(DTS),             // 4-bit input: Allows tristate of the D pin.
   .FCSBO(FCSBO),         // 1-bit input: Controls the FCS_B pin for flash access.
   .FCSBTS(FCSBTS),       // 1-bit input: Tristate the FCS_B pin.
   .GSR(GSR),             // 1-bit input: Global Set/Reset input (GSR cannot be used for the port).
   .GTS(GTS),             // 1-bit input: Global 3-state input (GTS cannot be used for the port name).
   .KEYCLEARB(KEYCLEARB), // 1-bit input: Clear AES Decrypter Key input from Battery-Backed RAM (BBRAM).
   .PACK(PACK),           // 1-bit input: PROGRAM acknowledge input.
   .USRCCLKO(USRCCLKO),   // 1-bit input: User CCLK input.
   .USRCCLKTS(USRCCLKTS), // 1-bit input: User CCLK 3-state enable input.
   .USRDONEO(USRDONEO),   // 1-bit input: User DONE pin output control.
   .USRDONETS(USRDONETS)  // 1-bit input: User DONE 3-state enable output.

// End of STARTUPE3_inst instantiation

Related Information

  • See the UltraScale Architecture Configuration User Guide (UG570).