ODELAYE3 - 2021.2 English - UG974

UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide (UG974)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Primitive: Output Fixed or Variable Delay Element

  • Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+


In component mode, I/O blocks contain a programmable delay element called ODELAYE3. The ODELAYE3 can be connected to an output register/OSERDESE3 or driven directly by device logic. The ODELAYE3 is a 512-tap delay element with a calibrated delay. The ODELAYE3 allows signals to be delayed on an individual basis.

Port Descriptions

Port Direction Width Function
CASC_IN Input 1 Cascade delay input from slave IDELAY CASCADE_OUT.
CASC_OUT Output 1 Cascade delay output to IDELAY input cascade.
CASC_RETURN Input 1 Cascade delay returning from slave IDELAY DATAOUT.
CE Input 1 Active-High enable increment/decrement function.
CLK Input 1 Clock input
CNTVALUEIN<8:0> Input 9 Counter value from device logic for dynamically loadable tap value input.
CNTVALUEOUT<8:0> Output 9 The CNTVALUEOUT pins are used for reporting the dynamically switching value of the delay element. CNTVALUEOUT is only available when ODELAYE3 is in "VARIABLE" or "VAR_LOAD" mode.
DATAOUT Output 1 Delayed data from ODATAIN input port.
EN_VTC Input 1 Keep delay constant over VT.
INC Input 1 Increment/Decrement tap delay input.
LOAD Input 1 Loads the ODELAY primitive to the pre-programmed value in VARIABLE mode. In VAR_LOAD mode, it loads the value of CNTVALUEIN.
ODATAIN Input 1 Data input for ODELAYE3 from OSERDES or programmable logic.
RST Input 1 Asynchronous Reset to the DELAY_VALUE, active level based on IS_RST_INVERTED.

Design Entry Method

Instantiation Yes
Inference No
IP and IP Integrator Catalog Yes

Available Attributes

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
CASCADE STRING "NONE", "MASTER", "SLAVE_END", "SLAVE_MIDDLE" "NONE" Set the location of the ODELAYE3 when it is used in a cascaded configuration.
  • "NONE": Delay line is not cascaded.
  • "MASTER": Delay line is cascaded with another delay line.
  • "SLAVE_MIDDLE": Delay line is cascaded from adjacent delay line and also cascades to another delay line.
  • "SLAVE_END": Delay line is the last cascaded delay line.
DELAY_FORMAT STRING "TIME", "COUNT" "TIME" Sets the units of DELAY_VALUE of the ODELAYE3. It is recommended to use TIME when DELAY_TYPE is FIXED and use COUNT when DELAY_TYPE is VARIABLE or VAR_LOAD.
  • "TIME": ODELAYE3 DELAY_VALUE is specified in ps.
  • "COUNT": ODELAYE3 DELAY_VALUE is specified in taps.
DELAY_TYPE STRING "FIXED", "VARIABLE", "VAR_LOAD" "FIXED" Sets the type of tap delay line.
  • "FIXED": Sets a static delay value.
  • "VARIABLE": Dynamically adjust (increment/decrement) delay value.
  • "VAR_LOAD": Dynamically loads tap values.
DELAY_VALUE DECIMAL 0 to 1250 0 Specifies the fixed delay in ps in "FIXED" mode or the initial starting number of taps in "VARIABLE" mode or "VAR_LOAD" mode (input path).
IS_CLK_INVERTED BINARY 1'b0 to 1'b1 1'b0 Specifies whether the CLK pin is active-High or active-Low.
IS_RST_INVERTED BINARY 1'b0 to 1'b1 1'b0 Specifies whether the RST pin is active-High or active-Low.
REFCLK_FREQUENCY 1 significant digit FLOAT 200.0 to 800.0 300.0 Sets the tap value (in MHz) used by the timing analyzer for static timing analysis and functional/timing simulation. The frequency of REFCLK must be within the given datasheet range to guarantee performance.
SIM_DEVICE STRING "7SERIES", "ULTRASCALE" "ULTRASCALE" Set the device version for simulation functionality.
UPDATE_MODE STRING "ASYNC", "MANUAL", "SYNC" "ASYNC" Determines when updates to the delay will take effect.
  • "ASYNC": Updates are increments or decrements to the delay value independent of the data being received.
  • "SYNC": Updates require that ODATAIN transitions to synchronously update the delay with the ODATAIN edges.
  • "MANUAL": Updates take effect when both LD and CE are asserted after the LD and CNTVALUEIN signals are used to load the new CNTVALUE.

VHDL Instantiation Template

Unless they already exist, copy the following two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- ODELAYE3: Output Fixed or Variable Delay Element
--           UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

generic map (
   CASCADE => "NONE",               -- Cascade setting (MASTER, NONE, SLAVE_END, SLAVE_MIDDLE)
   DELAY_FORMAT => "TIME",          -- (COUNT, TIME)
   DELAY_TYPE => "FIXED",           -- Set the type of tap delay line (FIXED, VARIABLE, VAR_LOAD)
   DELAY_VALUE => 0,                -- Output delay tap setting
   IS_CLK_INVERTED => '0',          -- Optional inversion for CLK
   IS_RST_INVERTED => '0',          -- Optional inversion for RST
   REFCLK_FREQUENCY => 300.0,       -- IDELAYCTRL clock input frequency in MHz (200.0-800.0).
   SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE_PLUS", -- Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
                                    -- ULTRASCALE_PLUS, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES1, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES2)
   UPDATE_MODE => "ASYNC"           -- Determines when updates to the delay will take effect (ASYNC, MANUAL,
                                    -- SYNC)
port map (
   CASC_OUT => CASC_OUT,       -- 1-bit output: Cascade delay output to IDELAY input cascade
   CNTVALUEOUT => CNTVALUEOUT, -- 9-bit output: Counter value output
   DATAOUT => DATAOUT,         -- 1-bit output: Delayed data from ODATAIN input port
   CASC_IN => CASC_IN,         -- 1-bit input: Cascade delay input from slave IDELAY CASCADE_OUT
   CASC_RETURN => CASC_RETURN, -- 1-bit input: Cascade delay returning from slave IDELAY DATAOUT
   CE => CE,                   -- 1-bit input: Active-High enable increment/decrement input
   CLK => CLK,                 -- 1-bit input: Clock input
   CNTVALUEIN => CNTVALUEIN,   -- 9-bit input: Counter value input
   EN_VTC => EN_VTC,           -- 1-bit input: Keep delay constant over VT
   INC => INC,                 -- 1-bit input: Increment/Decrement tap delay input
   LOAD => LOAD,               -- 1-bit input: Load DELAY_VALUE input
   ODATAIN => ODATAIN,         -- 1-bit input: Data input
   RST => RST                  -- 1-bit input: Asynchronous Reset to the DELAY_VALUE

-- End of ODELAYE3_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// ODELAYE3: Output Fixed or Variable Delay Element
//           UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

   .CASCADE("NONE"),               // Cascade setting (MASTER, NONE, SLAVE_END, SLAVE_MIDDLE)
   .DELAY_FORMAT("TIME"),          // (COUNT, TIME)
   .DELAY_TYPE("FIXED"),           // Set the type of tap delay line (FIXED, VARIABLE, VAR_LOAD)
   .DELAY_VALUE(0),                // Output delay tap setting
   .IS_CLK_INVERTED(1'b0),         // Optional inversion for CLK
   .IS_RST_INVERTED(1'b0),         // Optional inversion for RST
   .REFCLK_FREQUENCY(300.0),       // IDELAYCTRL clock input frequency in MHz (200.0-800.0).
   .SIM_DEVICE("ULTRASCALE_PLUS"), // Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
                                   // ULTRASCALE_PLUS, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES1, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES2)
   .UPDATE_MODE("ASYNC")           // Determines when updates to the delay will take effect (ASYNC, MANUAL,
                                   // SYNC)
ODELAYE3_inst (
   .CASC_OUT(CASC_OUT),       // 1-bit output: Cascade delay output to IDELAY input cascade
   .CNTVALUEOUT(CNTVALUEOUT), // 9-bit output: Counter value output
   .DATAOUT(DATAOUT),         // 1-bit output: Delayed data from ODATAIN input port
   .CASC_IN(CASC_IN),         // 1-bit input: Cascade delay input from slave IDELAY CASCADE_OUT
   .CASC_RETURN(CASC_RETURN), // 1-bit input: Cascade delay returning from slave IDELAY DATAOUT
   .CE(CE),                   // 1-bit input: Active-High enable increment/decrement input
   .CLK(CLK),                 // 1-bit input: Clock input
   .CNTVALUEIN(CNTVALUEIN),   // 9-bit input: Counter value input
   .EN_VTC(EN_VTC),           // 1-bit input: Keep delay constant over VT
   .INC(INC),                 // 1-bit input: Increment/Decrement tap delay input
   .LOAD(LOAD),               // 1-bit input: Load DELAY_VALUE input
   .ODATAIN(ODATAIN),         // 1-bit input: Data input
   .RST(RST)                  // 1-bit input: Asynchronous Reset to the DELAY_VALUE

// End of ODELAYE3_inst instantiation

Related Information

  • See the UltraScale Architecture SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG571).