ICAPE3 - 2021.2 English - UG974

UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide (UG974)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Primitive: Internal Configuration Access Port

  • Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+


This design element gives you access to the configuration functions of the device from the device fabric. Using this component, commands and data can be written to and read from the configuration logic of the device. Because the improper use of this function can have a negative effect on the functionality and reliability of the device, you should not use this element unless you are very familiar with its capabilities.

Port Descriptions

Port Direction Width Function
AVAIL Output 1 Availability status of ICAP.
CLK Input 1 Clock input.
CSIB Input 1 Active-Low ICAP enable.
I<31:0> Input 32 Configuration data input bus.
O<31:0> Output 32 Configuration data output bus.
PRDONE Output 1 Indicates completion of Partial Reconfiguration.
PRERROR Output 1 Indicates error during Partial Reconfiguration.
RDWRB Input 1 Read/Write Select input.

Design Entry Method

Instantiation Recommended
Inference No
IP and IP Integrator Catalog No

Available Attributes

Attribute Type Allowed Values Default Description
DEVICE_ID HEX 32'h03628093, 32'h03627093 32'h03628093 Specifies the pre-programmed Device ID value to be used for simulation purposes.
SIM_CFG_FILE_NAME STRING String "NONE" Specifies the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file to be parsed by the simulation model.

VHDL Instantiation Template

Unless they already exist, copy the following two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;

-- ICAPE3: Internal Configuration Access Port
--         UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

ICAPE3_inst : ICAPE3
generic map (
   DEVICE_ID => X"03628093",      -- Specifies the pre-programmed Device ID value to be used for simulation
                                  -- purposes.
   ICAP_AUTO_SWITCH => "DISABLE", -- Enable switch ICAP using sync word.
   SIM_CFG_FILE_NAME => "NONE"    -- Specifies the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file to be parsed by the simulation
                                  -- model.
port map (
   AVAIL => AVAIL,     -- 1-bit output: Availability status of ICAP.
   O => O,             -- 32-bit output: Configuration data output bus.
   PRDONE => PRDONE,   -- 1-bit output: Indicates completion of Partial Reconfiguration.
   PRERROR => PRERROR, -- 1-bit output: Indicates error during Partial Reconfiguration.
   CLK => CLK,         -- 1-bit input: Clock input.
   CSIB => CSIB,       -- 1-bit input: Active-Low ICAP enable.
   I => I,             -- 32-bit input: Configuration data input bus.
   RDWRB => RDWRB      -- 1-bit input: Read/Write Select input.

-- End of ICAPE3_inst instantiation

Verilog Instantiation Template

// ICAPE3: Internal Configuration Access Port
//         UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2

   .DEVICE_ID(32'h03628093),     // Specifies the pre-programmed Device ID value to be used for simulation
                                 // purposes.
   .ICAP_AUTO_SWITCH("DISABLE"), // Enable switch ICAP using sync word.
   .SIM_CFG_FILE_NAME("NONE")    // Specifies the Raw Bitstream (RBT) file to be parsed by the simulation
                                 // model.
ICAPE3_inst (
   .AVAIL(AVAIL),     // 1-bit output: Availability status of ICAP.
   .O(O),             // 32-bit output: Configuration data output bus.
   .PRDONE(PRDONE),   // 1-bit output: Indicates completion of Partial Reconfiguration.
   .PRERROR(PRERROR), // 1-bit output: Indicates error during Partial Reconfiguration.
   .CLK(CLK),         // 1-bit input: Clock input.
   .CSIB(CSIB),       // 1-bit input: Active-Low ICAP enable.
   .I(I),             // 32-bit input: Configuration data input bus.
   .RDWRB(RDWRB)      // 1-bit input: Read/Write Select input.

// End of ICAPE3_inst instantiation

Related Information

  • See the UltraScale Architecture Configuration User Guide (UG570).