Primitive: RX_BITSLICE for input using Native Mode
- Families: UltraScale, UltraScale+
In native mode, the RX_BITSLICE contains deserialization logic and 512-tap input delay (IDELAY) that can be continuously adjusted for VT variation. The RX_BITSLICE contains deserialization logic for 1:4 or 1:8 deserialization and a shallow FIFO to allow connection to another clock domain.
Port Descriptions
Port | Direction | Width | Function |
CE | Input | 1 | Clock enable for RX_BITSLICE IDELAY register clock. |
CE_EXT | Input | 1 | Optional extended (cascaded delay) clock enable for IDELAY register clock. |
CLK | Input | 1 | Clock used to sample LOAD, CE, INC. |
CLK_EXT | Input | 1 | Optional extended (cascaded delay) delay clock used to sample LOAD, CE, and INC. |
CNTVALUEIN<8:0> | Input | 9 | Counter value from internal device logic for tap value to be loaded dynamically. |
CNTVALUEIN_EXT<8:0> | Input | 9 | Optional extended (cascaded delay) counter value from internal device logic for tap value to be loaded dynamically. |
CNTVALUEOUT<8:0> | Output | 9 | Counter value to going the internal device logic for monitoring tap value. |
CNTVALUEOUT_EXT<8:0> | Output | 9 | Optional extended (cascaded delay) counter value going to the internal device logic for monitoring tap value. |
DATAIN | Input | 1 | Input signal from IBUF. |
EN_VTC | Input | 1 | Enables IDELAYCTRL to keep stable delay over VT when set to HIGH. VT compensation disabled when set to LOW. |
EN_VTC_EXT | Input | 1 | Enables IDELAYCTRL to keep stable delay over VT of the cascaded delay when set to HIGH. VT compensation disabled when set to LOW. |
FIFO_EMPTY | Output | 1 | FIFO empty flag for the FIFO of this bit. |
FIFO_RD_CLK | Input | 1 | FIFO read clock for the FIFO of this bit. |
FIFO_RD_EN | Input | 1 | FIFO read enable for the FIFO of this bit. |
FIFO_WRCLK_OUT | Output | 1 | FIFO source synchronous write clock out to the device logic. Only valid for RX_BITSLICE 0. Currently not supported, do not connect. |
INC | Input | 1 | Increment the current delay tap setting. |
INC_EXT | Input | 1 | Optional extended (cascaded delay) increments the current delay tap setting. |
LOAD | Input | 1 | Load the CNTVALUEIN tap setting. |
LOAD_EXT | Input | 1 | Optional extended (cascaded delay) load the CNTVALUEIN_EXT tap setting. |
Q<7:0> | Output | 8 | Registered output data from FIFO. |
RST | Input | 1 | Asynchronous assert, synchronous deassert for RX_BITSLICE ISERDES. |
RST_DLY | Input | 1 | Reset the internal DELAY value to DELAY_VALUE. |
RST_DLY_EXT | Input | 1 | Optional extended (cascaded delay) reset delay to DELAY_VALUE_EXT. |
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN<39:0> | Input | 40 | Input bus from BITSLICE_CONTROL. |
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT<39:0> | Output | 40 | Output bus to BITSLICE_CONTROL. |
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN<39:0> | Input | 40 | Input bus from BITSLICE_CONTROL. |
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT<39:0> | Output | 40 | Output bus to BITSLICE_CONTROL. |
Design Entry Method
Instantiation | Yes |
Inference | No |
IP and IP Integrator Catalog | Yes |
Available Attributes
Attribute | Type | Allowed Values | Default | Description |
DATA_TYPE | STRING | "DATA", "CLOCK", "DATA_AND_CLOCK", "SERIAL" | "DATA" | Defines whether the input pin is carrying a clock signal, a data signal, or clock signal that is also used as data. |
DATA_WIDTH | DECIMAL | 8, 4 | 8 | Defines the width of the serial-to-parallel converter. Legal data widths are 4 and 8. |
DELAY_TYPE | STRING | "FIXED", "VARIABLE", "VAR_LOAD" | "FIXED" | Sets the type of tap delay line.
DELAY_VALUE | DECIMAL | 0 to 1250 | 0 | Specifies the fixed delay in ps when using FIXED DELAY_TYPE. Specifies value upon reset when using VARIABLE or VAR_LOAD. |
DELAY_VALUE_EXT | DECIMAL | 0 to 1250 | 0 | Value of the extended input delay value in ps. |
FIFO_SYNC_MODE | STRING | "FALSE", "TRUE" | "FALSE" | Attribute defining the relationship between FIFO_WRCLK_OUT and FIFO_RD_CLK. Always set this attribute to FALSE. TRUE is reserved for later use. |
IS_CLK_EXT_INVERTED | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies whether the clock CLK_EXT pin is active-High or active-Low. |
IS_CLK_INVERTED | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies whether the clock CLK pin is active-High or active-Low. |
IS_RST_DLY_EXT_INVERTED | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies whether the reset RST_DLY_EXT pin is active-High or active-Low. |
IS_RST_DLY_INVERTED | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies whether the reset RST_DLY pin is active-High or active-Low. |
IS_RST_INVERTED | BINARY | 1'b0 to 1'b1 | 1'b0 | Specifies whether the reset RST pin is active-High or active-Low. |
REFCLK_FREQUENCY | 1 significant digit FLOAT | 200.0 to 2667.0 | 300.0 | Specification of the reference clock frequency in MHz. |
SIM_DEVICE | STRING | "7SERIES", "ULTRASCALE" | "ULTRASCALE" | Set the device version for simulation functionality. |
VHDL Instantiation Template
Unless they already exist, copy the following
two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- RX_BITSLICE: RX_BITSLICE for input using Native Mode
-- UltraScale
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2
generic map (
CASCADE => "FALSE", -- Enables cascading of IDELAY and ODELAY lines
DATA_TYPE => "DATA", -- Defines what the input pin is carrying (CLOCK, DATA, DATA_AND_CLOCK,
DATA_WIDTH => 8, -- Defines the width of the serial-to-parallel converter (4-8)
DELAY_TYPE => "FIXED", -- Set the type of tap delay line (FIXED, VARIABLE, VAR_LOAD)
DELAY_VALUE => 0, -- Input delay value setting in ps
DELAY_VALUE_EXT => 0, -- Value of the extended input delay value in ps
FIFO_SYNC_MODE => "FALSE", -- Always set to FALSE. TRUE is reserved for later use.
IS_CLK_EXT_INVERTED => '0', -- Optional inversion for CLK_EXT
IS_CLK_INVERTED => '0', -- Optional inversion for CLK
IS_RST_DLY_EXT_INVERTED => '0', -- Optional inversion for RST_DLY_EXT
IS_RST_DLY_INVERTED => '0', -- Optional inversion for RST_DLY
IS_RST_INVERTED => '0', -- Optional inversion for RST
REFCLK_FREQUENCY => 300.0, -- Specification of the reference clock frequency in MHz (200.0-2667.0)
SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE_PLUS", -- Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
UPDATE_MODE => "ASYNC", -- Determines when updates to the delay will take effect (ASYNC, MANUAL,
-- SYNC)
UPDATE_MODE_EXT => "ASYNC" -- Determines when updates to the extended input delay will take effect
port map (
CNTVALUEOUT => CNTVALUEOUT, -- 9-bit output: Counter value to device logic
CNTVALUEOUT_EXT => CNTVALUEOUT_EXT, -- 9-bit output: Optional extended (cascaded delay) counter value
-- going to the device logic
FIFO_EMPTY => FIFO_EMPTY, -- 1-bit output: FIFO empty flag
FIFO_WRCLK_OUT => FIFO_WRCLK_OUT, -- 1-bit output: FIFO source synchronous write clock out to the
-- device logic (currently unsupported, do not connect)
Q => Q, -- 8-bit output: Registered output data from FIFO
RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT => RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT, -- 40-bit output: Output bus to BITSLICE_CONTROL
TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT => TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT, -- 40-bit output: Output bus to BITSLICE_CONTROL
CE => CE, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for IDELAY
CE_EXT => CE_EXT, -- 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) clock enable
CLK => CLK, -- 1-bit input: Clock used to sample LOAD, CE, INC
CLK_EXT => CLK_EXT, -- 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) clock
CNTVALUEIN => CNTVALUEIN, -- 9-bit input: Counter value from device logic
CNTVALUEIN_EXT => CNTVALUEIN_EXT, -- 9-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) counter value from
-- device logic
DATAIN => DATAIN, -- 1-bit input: Input signal from IBUF
EN_VTC => EN_VTC, -- 1-bit input: Enable IDELAYCTRL to keep stable delay over VT
EN_VTC_EXT => EN_VTC_EXT, -- 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) to keep stable
-- delay over VT
FIFO_RD_CLK => FIFO_RD_CLK, -- 1-bit input: FIFO read clock
FIFO_RD_EN => FIFO_RD_EN, -- 1-bit input: FIFO read enable
INC => INC, -- 1-bit input: Increment the current delay tap setting
INC_EXT => INC_EXT, -- 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) increments the
-- current delay tap setting
LOAD => LOAD, -- 1-bit input: Load the CNTVALUEIN tap setting
LOAD_EXT => LOAD_EXT, -- 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) load the
-- CNTVALUEIN_EXT tap setting
RST => RST, -- 1-bit input: Asynchronous assert, synchronous deassert for
RST_DLY => RST_DLY, -- 1-bit input: Reset the internal DELAY value to DELAY_VALUE
RST_DLY_EXT => RST_DLY_EXT, -- 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) reset delay to
RX_BIT_CTRL_IN => RX_BIT_CTRL_IN, -- 40-bit input: Input bus from BITSLICE_CONTROL
TX_BIT_CTRL_IN => TX_BIT_CTRL_IN -- 40-bit input: Input bus from BITSLICE_CONTROL
-- End of RX_BITSLICE_inst instantiation
Verilog Instantiation Template
// RX_BITSLICE: RX_BITSLICE for input using Native Mode
// UltraScale
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2021.2
.CASCADE("FALSE"), // Enables cascading of IDELAY and ODELAY lines
.DATA_TYPE("DATA"), // Defines what the input pin is carrying (CLOCK, DATA, DATA_AND_CLOCK,
.DATA_WIDTH(8), // Defines the width of the serial-to-parallel converter (4-8)
.DELAY_TYPE("FIXED"), // Set the type of tap delay line (FIXED, VARIABLE, VAR_LOAD)
.DELAY_VALUE(0), // Input delay value setting in ps
.DELAY_VALUE_EXT(0), // Value of the extended input delay value in ps
.FIFO_SYNC_MODE("FALSE"), // Always set to FALSE. TRUE is reserved for later use.
.IS_CLK_EXT_INVERTED(1'b0), // Optional inversion for CLK_EXT
.IS_CLK_INVERTED(1'b0), // Optional inversion for CLK
.IS_RST_DLY_EXT_INVERTED(1'b0), // Optional inversion for RST_DLY_EXT
.IS_RST_DLY_INVERTED(1'b0), // Optional inversion for RST_DLY
.IS_RST_INVERTED(1'b0), // Optional inversion for RST
.REFCLK_FREQUENCY(300.0), // Specification of the reference clock frequency in MHz (200.0-2667.0)
.SIM_DEVICE("ULTRASCALE_PLUS"), // Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
.UPDATE_MODE("ASYNC"), // Determines when updates to the delay will take effect (ASYNC, MANUAL,
// SYNC)
.UPDATE_MODE_EXT("ASYNC") // Determines when updates to the extended input delay will take effect
.CNTVALUEOUT(CNTVALUEOUT), // 9-bit output: Counter value to device logic
.CNTVALUEOUT_EXT(CNTVALUEOUT_EXT), // 9-bit output: Optional extended (cascaded delay) counter value
// going to the device logic
.FIFO_EMPTY(FIFO_EMPTY), // 1-bit output: FIFO empty flag
.FIFO_WRCLK_OUT(FIFO_WRCLK_OUT), // 1-bit output: FIFO source synchronous write clock out to the device
// logic (currently unsupported, do not connect)
.Q(Q), // 8-bit output: Registered output data from FIFO
.RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT(RX_BIT_CTRL_OUT), // 40-bit output: Output bus to BITSLICE_CONTROL
.TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT(TX_BIT_CTRL_OUT), // 40-bit output: Output bus to BITSLICE_CONTROL
.CE(CE), // 1-bit input: Clock enable for IDELAY
.CE_EXT(CE_EXT), // 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) clock enable
.CLK(CLK), // 1-bit input: Clock used to sample LOAD, CE, INC
.CLK_EXT(CLK_EXT), // 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) clock
.CNTVALUEIN(CNTVALUEIN), // 9-bit input: Counter value from device logic
.CNTVALUEIN_EXT(CNTVALUEIN_EXT), // 9-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) counter value from
// device logic
.DATAIN(DATAIN), // 1-bit input: Input signal from IBUF
.EN_VTC(EN_VTC), // 1-bit input: Enable IDELAYCTRL to keep stable delay over VT
.EN_VTC_EXT(EN_VTC_EXT), // 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) to keep stable
// delay over VT
.FIFO_RD_CLK(FIFO_RD_CLK), // 1-bit input: FIFO read clock
.FIFO_RD_EN(FIFO_RD_EN), // 1-bit input: FIFO read enable
.INC(INC), // 1-bit input: Increment the current delay tap setting
.INC_EXT(INC_EXT), // 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) increments the
// current delay tap setting
.LOAD(LOAD), // 1-bit input: Load the CNTVALUEIN tap setting
.LOAD_EXT(LOAD_EXT), // 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) load the
// CNTVALUEIN_EXT tap setting
.RST(RST), // 1-bit input: Asynchronous assert, synchronous deassert for
.RST_DLY(RST_DLY), // 1-bit input: Reset the internal DELAY value to DELAY_VALUE
.RST_DLY_EXT(RST_DLY_EXT), // 1-bit input: Optional extended (cascaded delay) reset delay to
.RX_BIT_CTRL_IN(RX_BIT_CTRL_IN), // 40-bit input: Input bus from BITSLICE_CONTROL
.TX_BIT_CTRL_IN(TX_BIT_CTRL_IN) // 40-bit input: Input bus from BITSLICE_CONTROL
// End of RX_BITSLICE_inst instantiation
Related Information
- See the UltraScale Architecture SelectIO Resources User Guide (UG571).