The low-performance I/O in Versal ACAP are known as high-density I/O (HD I/O). The HD I/O support a subset of the UltraScale device component mode primitives through uncalibrated IDELAY, ODELAY, IDDR, and ODDR primitives known as I/O logic. HD I/O maintain the columnar I/O architecture found in previous devices.
The I/O planning flow for HD I/O is unchanged from previous architectures. You can continue to instantiate the I/O logic primitives in your HDL code. The tools support an XDC-based constraints flow for assigning PACKAGE_PIN constraints. As with previous architectures, you can drag and drop from the I/O Ports window onto the Package window. In addition, you can move I/O logic primitives between HD I/O banks and XPIO banks in the Versal ACAP.