On-Chip Memory Resources - 2021.1 English - UG1273

Versal ACAP Design Guide (UG1273)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Block RAM and UltraRAM used in designs from previous architectures are automatically migrated by inferring the appropriate Versal ACAP block. RTL instantiations are also automatically migrated. If certain block RAM and UltraRAM configurations are not supported in Versal ACAP, a critical warning message is issued and the instance is converted to a black box element. The design must be changed to adhere to the supported configurations for Versal ACAP. Xilinx recommends that you examine the configuration settings after design migration to ensure the correct defaults and settings were automatically selected. Xilinx recommends using Xilinx parameterizable macros (XPMs) to infer FIFOs and other memories. Integrated FIFOs are not supported in Versal ACAP. In the Vivado® IP integrator tool, the Embedded Memory Generator and Embedded FIFO Generator replace the Block Memory Generator and FIFO Generator IP. The migration for the Block Memory Generator and FIFO Generator IP is not automatic. For detailed architectural differences, see the Versal ACAP Memory Resources Architecture Manual (AM007).