XPIO - 2021.1 English - UG1273

Versal ACAP Design Guide (UG1273)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

The XPIO in Versal ACAPs are similar to the high-speed I/O (HPIO) in the UltraScaleā„¢ architecture. However, the XPIO are located at the bottom and/or top periphery of the device, unlike the I/O columnar layout in previous devices. The XPIO provide XPHY logic that is similar to UltraScale device native mode. The XPHY logic encapsulates calibrated delays along with serialization and deserialization logic for 6 single-ended I/O ports known as nibble. Each XPIO bank contains 9 XPHY logic sites and supports up to 54 single-ended I/O ports. The XPHY logic is used for the integrated DDRMC, soft memory controllers, and custom high-performance I/O interfaces. For more information on the XPIO, see the Versal ACAP SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010).