Your participation in WebTalk is voluntary except when a paid license is not found.
In these cases, WebTalk data collection and transmission always occurs, regardless of your preference settings. For all other cases, data is not transmitted if you disable WebTalk.
The following table summarizes WebTalk behavior for data transmission to Xilinx from your post-route design, based on your Xilinx license, WebTalk install preference, and user preference settings.
License | WebTalk Install Preference Selected as "Enabled" | WebTalk User Preference Selected as "Enabled" | Send WebTalk Data to Xilinx |
WebPACK | X | X | Yes |
Edition License | No | X | No |
Edition License | Yes | No | No |
Edition License | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Note: If the device is a WebPACK
device, the Tools first look for a WebPACK license.