Generate a Configuration File - 2020.2 English - UG973

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English
  1. Run xsetup -b ConfigGen.

    This will put you in an interactive mode where you will see the following menu:

    Type 2, and then press Enter.

    Select an edition, and then press Enter.

  2. After you make a selection, you will be prompted with the location/file name for your configuration file and the interactive mode exits. Below is a sample VivadoVivado HL System Edition configuration file:
    #### Vivado HL System Edition Install Configuration ####
    Edition=Vivado HL System Edition
    # Path where Xilinx software will be installed.
    # Choose the Products/Devices the you would like to install.
    Modules=Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:1,DocNav:1,Virtex UltraScale+ HBM:1,Virtex UltraScale+ 58G:1,Virtex UltraScale+ 58G ES:0,Kintex-7:1,Virtex UltraScale+:1,Zynq-7000:1,Kintex UltraScale+:1,Engineering Sample Devices:0,Model Composer:0,Spartan-7:1,Kintex UltraScale:1,System Generator for DSP:1,Virtex UltraScale:1,Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC:1,Versal AI Core Series ACAP ES1:0,Virtex-7:1,Versal Prime Series ACAP ES1:0,Artix-7:1,Virtex UltraScale+ HBM ES:0,Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC ES:0
    # Choose the post install scripts you'd like to run as part of the finalization step. Please note that some of these scripts may require user interaction during runtime.
    InstallOptions=Acquire or Manage a License Key:0,Enable WebTalk for Vivado to send usage statistics to Xilinx (Always enabled for WebPACK license):1
    ## Shortcuts and File associations ##
    # Choose whether Start menu/Application menu shortcuts will be created or not.
    # Choose the name of the Start menu/Application menu shortcut. This setting will be ignored if you choose NOT to create shortcuts.
    ProgramGroupFolder=Xilinx Design Tools
    # Choose whether shortcuts will be created for All users or just the Current user. Shortcuts can be created for all users only if you run the installer as administrator.
    # Choose whether shortcuts will be created on the desktop or not.
    # Choose whether file associations will be created or not.
    # Choose whether disk usage will be optimized (reduced) after installation
    Storage Licensing:1,Generating installed device list:1,Install VC++ runtime libraries for 64-bit OS:1,Install Cable Drivers:0,Acquire or Manage a License Key:0,run:xic:1

    Each option in the configuration file matches a corresponding option in the GUI. A value of 1 means that option is selected; a value of 0 means the option is unselected.