- Create a subsystem for the graph block.
Note: In this particular design scenario only one graph code is imported. But in a case where we have multiple graphs imported and connected, Model composer automatically generates the top module which includes interconnections of all blocks. - Assign the subsystem name as
. - Drag the Model Composer Hub block from the library browser or simply click on
the canvas and start typing
Model Composer Hub
- Double-click the Model Composer Hub block and make changes as follows (Similar
to those in Lab 1 - Import AIE kernel).
- The Simulation procedure is similar to that of Lab 1 (Import AIE Kernkel). It
also generates the Target directory (./code in this case)
under which you can see the top level graph code under
code/src_aie directory and the
code/data directory which contains the data logged from
the Simulink design along with output from the AI Engine SystemC simulation.
- Notice the log in the progress window after completion. Click