Step 2: Resource Analysis in System Generator - 2020.2 English - UG1498

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Model-Based DSP Design using Add-on for MATLAB and Simulink (UG1498)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English
In this step we use same design, Lab3.slx, used for Step 1 but we are going to perform Resource Analysis.
Tip: Resource Analysis can be performed whenever you generate any of the following compilation targets:
  • IP catalog
  • Hardware Co-Simulation
  • Synthesized Checkpoint
  • HDL Netlist
  1. Double-click the System Generator token in the Simulink model. Make sure that the part is specified and Compilation is set to any one of the compilation targets listed above.
  2. In the Clocking tab, set the Perform Analysis field to Post Synthesis and Analyzer type field to Resource.

  3. In the System Generator token dialog box, click Generate.

    System Generator processes the resource utilization data and displays a Resource Analyzer window with resource utilization information.

    Each column heading (for example, BRAMs, DSPs, or LUTs) in the window shows the total number of each type of resources available in the Xilinx device for which you are targeting your design. The rest of the window displays a hierarchical listing of each subsystem and block in the design, with the count of these resource types.

  4. You can cross probe from the Resource Analyzer window to the Simulink model by clicking a block or subsystem name in the Resource Analyzer window, which highlights the corresponding System Generator block or subsystem in the model.

    Cross probing is useful to identify blocks and subsystems that are implemented using a particular type of resource.

  5. The block you have selected in the window will be highlighted yellow and outlined in red.

  6. If the block or subsystem you have selected in the window is within an upper-level subsystem, then the parent subsystem is highlighted in red in addition to the underlying block as shown in the following figure.

    Important: If the Resource Analyzer window or the Timing Analyzer window opens and no information is displayed in the window (table cells are empty), double-click the System Generator token and set the Target directory to a new directory, that is, a directory that has not been used before. Then run the analysis again.