The black key storage solution uses a cryptographically strong key encryption key (KEK), which is generated from a PUF, to encrypt the user key. The resulting black key can then be stored either in the eFUSE or as a part of the authenticated boot header. Example:
bh_kek_iv = black_iv.txt
bh_keyfile = black_key.txt
puf_file = pufdata.txt
boot_config {puf4kmode}
{type=bootloader, encryption = aes, keysrc=bh_blk_key, pufhd_bh, aeskeyfile = red_grey.nky, file=plm.elf}
{type=pmcdata,load=0xf2000000, aeskeyfile = pmcdata.nky, file=pmc_data.cdo}
{core=psm, file=psm.elf}
{type=cdo, file=ps_data.cdo}
{type=cdo, file=subsystem.cdo}
{core=a72-0, exception_level = el-3, file=hello_world.elf}