Bootgen GUI Options - 2020.2 English - UG1283

Bootgen User Guide (UG1283)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The Create Boot Image wizard in the Vitis™ GUI offers a limited number of Bootgen options to generate a boot image.

Note: The Bootgen GUI option is not yet supported for Versal™ ACAP.

To create a boot image using the GUI, do the following:

  1. Select the application project in the Project Navigator or C/C++ Projects view and right-click Create Boot Image. Alternatively, click Xilinx > Create Boot Image.

    The Create Boot Image page opens, with default values pre-selected from the context of the selected C project.

    Note the following:

    • When you run Create Boot Image the first time for an application, the page is pre-populated with paths to the FSBL ELF file, and the bitstream for the selected hardware (if it exists in hardware project), and then the selected application ELF file.
    • If a boot image was run previously for the application, and a BIF file exists, the page is pre-populated with the values from the /bif folder.
    • You can now create a boot image for Zynq®-7000 SoC or Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC architectures.
      Important: The data you enter for the boot image should be a maximum of 76 bytes with an offset of 0x4c (for Zynq-7000 SoC) and 40 bytes and an offset of 0x70 (for Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC). This is a hard limitation based on the Zynq architecture.
  2. Populate the Create boot image page with the following information:
    Note: The Vitis GUI wizard is not yet available for Versal devices.
    1. From the Architecture drop-down, select the required architecture.
    2. Select either Create a BIF file or Import an existing BIF file.
    3. From the Basic view, specify the Output BIF file path.
    4. If applicable, specify the UDF data: See udf_data for more information about this option.
    5. Specify the Output path:
  3. In the Boot image partitions, click the Add button to add additional partition images.
  4. Create offset, alignment, and allocation values for partitions in the boot image, if applicable.

    The output file path is set to the /bif folder under the selected application project by default.

  5. From the Security view, you can specify the attributes to create a secure image. This security can be applied to individual partitions as required.
    1. To enable Authentication for a partition, check the Use Authentication option, then specify the PPK, SPK, PSK, and SSK values. See the Authentication topic for more information.
    2. To enable Encryption for a partition, select the Encryption view, and check the Use Encryption option. See Using Encryption for more information.
  6. Create or import a BIF file boot image one partition at a time, starting from the bootloader. The partitions list displays the summary of the partitions in the BIF file. It shows the file path, encryption settings, and authentication settings. Use this area to add, delete, modify, and reorder the partitions. You can also set values for enabling encryption, authentication, and checksum, and specifying some other partition related values like Load, Alignment, and Offset.