Using Project Mode - 2024.2 English - UG892

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Flows Overview (UG892)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

In Project Mode, the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite creates a project directory structure and automatically manages your source files, constraints, IP data, synthesis and implementation run results, and reports. In this mode, the Vivado Design Suite also manages and reports on the status of the source files, configuration, and the state of the design.

In the Vivado IDE, you can use the Flow Navigator (shown in the following figure) to launch predefined design flow steps, such as synthesis and implementation. When you click Generate Bitstream or Generate Device Image for AMD Versal™ adaptive SoC, the Vivado IDE ensures that the design is synthesized and implemented with the most current design sources and generates a bitstream file. The environment provides an intuitive push button design flow and also offers advanced design management and analysis features. Runs are launched with wrapper Tcl scripts that consolidate the various implementation commands and automatically generates standard reports. You can use various run strategies to address different design challenges, such as routing density and timing closure. You can also simultaneously launch multiple implementation runs to see which will achieve the best results.

Note: Run strategies only apply to Project Mode. In Non-Project Mode, all directives and command options must be set manually.

You can run Project Mode using the Vivado IDE or using Tcl commands or scripts. In addition, you can alternate between using the Vivado IDE and Tcl within a project. When you open or create projects in the Vivado IDE, you are presented with the current state of the design, run results, and previously generated reports and messages. You can create or modify sources, apply constraints and debug information, configure tool settings, and perform design tasks.

Vivado has the unique capability to open the design at various stages of the design flow. You can open designs for analysis and constraints definition after RTL elaboration, synthesis, and implementation. When you open a design, the Vivado tools compile the netlist and constraints against the target device and show the design in the Vivado IDE. After you open the design, you can use a variety of analysis and reporting features to analyze the design using different criteria and viewpoints. You can also apply and save constraint and design changes. For more information, see Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).

Figure 1. Flow Navigator in the Vivado IDE