PS/PMC Clocks - 2023.1 English

Versal Adaptive SoC System Integration and Validation Methodology Guide (UG1388)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Confirm if the PS/PMC PLLs are stable and locked, clocks are in active state, and their divisor, multiplier, and source are correctly configured.

  • Check the clocks configured correctly to each module with respect to speed grade.
  • Read the CRx (CRL, CRF and CRP) modules registers for checking clocking.

To read the QSPI Clock Register using XSCT, run the following command:

xsct%mrd -force 0xF1260118
Table 1. Register QSPI_REF_CTRL
Register Name Address Width Type Reset Value Description
QSPI_REF_CTRL 0xF1260118 32 RW 0x01000400 This register controls this reference clock
Table 2. Register QSPI_REF_CTRL Bit-Field Details
Field Name Bits Type Reset Value Description
Reserved 31:25 RW 0x0 Reserved
ClkAct 24 RW 0x1 Clock active signal.

0 = disable the clock.

1 = enable the clock.

Reserved 23:18 RW 0x0 Reserved
Divisor 17:8 RW 0x4 10-bit divider value:

0 = divide by 1

1 = divide by 1

2 = divide by 2


1023 = divide by 1023

Note: Reset value (0x4) is divided by 4.
Reserved 7:3 RW 0x0 Reserved
SrcSel 2:0 RW 0x0 000: PPLL

011: NPLL

Others: reserved