Analyze the Results - 2022.2 English - XD098

Vitis Tutorials: Getting Started (XD098)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The Synthesis Summary report displays the results of synthesis, including performance and utilization estimates, and data related to interfaces and data transfer in the design. Now you can analyze the design to examine any reported issues.

  1. At the bottom of the IDE, next to the Console view, select the Guidance view. This view reports a little more information related to any issues found in the design as shown in the following figure.

    TIP: If the Guidance view is not displayed, select Window > Show View > Guidance.

    Synthesis Results DRC

    Guidance messages report issues found during synthesis, suggest possible remedies, and provide links to more detailed information.

  2. From the Flow Navigator click the C Synthesis > Reports and Viewers Schedule Viewer command to display the Schedule Viewer.

    The left side of the Schedule Viewer lists each operation in chronological order in the synthesized function. It displays the design control steps presented horizontally as a timeline starting at step 0, and running through to completion. You can select operations from the list to view the connections between them.

    The default view shows all of the operations. However, a drop-down menu at the top of the Schedule Viewer lets you select specific functions, loops, or elements of the design that are of interest.

    Schedule Viewer