Step 2: Defining Constraint Sets and Files - 2021.1 English - UG945

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Using Constraints (UG945)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Start by creating a new constraint set and adding an empty XDC constraints file to it. The example design already contains two constraint sets, but you do not use them for this lab.

  1. From the Flow Navigator, click Add Sources in the Project Manager section.
  2. From the Add Sources dialog box, select Add or create constraints.
  3. Click Next.
  4. From the Add or Create Constraints dialog box, use the Specify Constraint Set drop-down menu to select Create Constraint Set as shown in the following figure.

  5. In the Create Constraint Set dialog box, specify the constraint set name as lab1 and click OK.
  6. Enable the Make active check box.
  7. Click the Add button , and select Create File to add a new XDC file to the project.

    The Create Constraints File dialog box appears.

  8. Type timing as the file name, and leave the file location set to <Local to Project>.
  9. Click OK.

    The timing.xdc file is added to the lab1 constraint set.

  10. Click Finish to complete the creation of the new constraint set and XDC file.

    You should see the new constraint set and XDC file in the Sources window, as shown in the following figure. The constraint set is made active, as you directed when you created it.

  11. In the Sources window (shown in the following figure), right-click timing.xdc and select Set as Target Constraint File.

    This sets the timing.xdc file as the target XDC file. All constraints added to the design are saved in the target XDC file.