Setting Design Properties - 2021.1 English - UG945

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Using Constraints (UG945)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Next, set the configuration mode on the design. This is another property that results in a physical constraint, in this case a property of the design rather than of a cell. To begin, list all of the properties of the current design.

  1. List the properties of the design in the Tcl Console:
    list_property [current_design]

    This command returns the list of all defined properties on the current design. To make the list more readable, you can use the standard Tcl join command to combine the properties output with ā€œ\nā€ newline character, resulting in each property displaying on a separate line.

    join [list_property [current_design]] \n
  2. The specific property of interest is CONFIG_MODE. To see what values this particular property can accept, use the list_property_value Tcl command:
    join [list_property_value CONFIG_MODE [current_design]] \n
  3. Use the Tools > Edit Device Properties command to set the CONFIG_MODE property for the current design.

    The Edit Device Properties dialog box opens.

  4. Click Configuration Modes to open the Configuration Modes panel.
  5. Scroll down on the page to find the Master Serial configuration mode option, as shown in the following figure.

  6. Select the Master Serial configuration mode as shown, and click OK to close the dialog box.

    The Tcl Console shows the set_property command that sets the CONFIG_MODE:

    set_property CONFIG_MODE M_SERIAL [current_design]

    The configuration mode has now been set.

  7. Use the get_property command to confirm that the CONFIG_MODE property was correctly set:
    get_property CONFIG_MODE [current_design]

    The property value M_SERIAL is returned by the Vivado tool.